LPS Unveils New Brand Identity, Fully Embracing Lenovo’s AI for All Transformation Journey in Asia Pacific

Rebranding supports Lenovo’s vision – ‘AI for ALL’ – by collaboratively enhancing AI-powered services and solutions to propel smarter city development

HONG KONG, Jan. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Lenovo PCCW Solutions (LPS) today announced a leap in branding direction, embracing a new corporate image as “LPS”, an acronym of the company’s full name. The rebranding couples with Lenovo’s newest moves to emphasize AI-powered transformation, solidifying LPS as a premier digital solutions provider in the Asia Pacific region.

The move comes alongside recent findings suggesting that: CIOs are nearly twice as likely to prioritize innovation in new technologies over optimizing their current tech stack, according to the annual Lenovo Global Study of CIOs 2.0[1]. Furthermore, over 90% of respondents emphasize the importance of having the right technology partners to increase business agility and ensure effective operations.

Since its induction into Lenovo in 2022, LPS has continued to strengthen its regional presence and delivery capabilities by harnessing new synergies with Lenovo. This brand evolution represents a significant milestone for LPS, highlighting its strategic vision to channel two decades of system integration experience and service excellence towards innovation and customer satisfaction.

Ken Wong, Executive Vice President and President of Lenovo’s Solutions & Services Group, said, “Integrating LPS into Lenovo is a key example of how we continue to diversify our offerings to support the growth of the Asia Pacific region, and drive Lenovo’s leadership in IT solutions and services in the region. We are focused on strengthening our capabilities and investing in new technologies to help empower companies in their digital transformation journeys.” 

With access to Lenovo’s infrastructure and R&D capabilities, LPS is uniquely equipped to advance emerging technologies such as digital twin, blockchain, web 3.0, and address technology needs both locally and globally. LPS’ go-to-market units will bolster both public and enterprise sector projects, taking full advantage of its expertise in key business segments including aviation, travel & transportation, communications, and financial services.

Our new look to progress smarter

A new logo design accentuates the company’s strengths and uniqueness, symbolizing the synergistic capabilities of Lenovo and LPS’ heritage. It manifests our unwavering commitment to smarter progress, becoming more sustainable with our cities, clients, and people.

Ted Suen, Deputy CEO of LPS, said, “We are excited to unleash the full potential of our new brand identity. This vibrant injection of energy will be a valuable asset as we continue to shift towards AI-powered solutions and closer collaboration with Lenovo. With delivery excellence and solutions integration imprinted in our DNA, LPS is ready to mature into a trusted digital partner to better serve our clients, fostering smarter city development in the Asia Pacific region.”

As Hong Kong’s No. 1 company in both application development and systems integration for a full decade according to IDC[2], LPS will look to maintain its growing momentum with Lenovo, with new projects and upcoming large-scale industry event collaborations slated to make 2024 another record year.

[1] Lenovo Global CIO Study is an annual survey of IT leaders and decision-makers commissioned by Lenovo, covering nine key markets: Brazil, Mainland China, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The online survey has a sample size of 682 and was conducted between March 3-25, 2023.

[2] Source: IDC Worldwide Semiannual Services Tracker (2023H1 release)

About Lenovo PCCW Solutions (LPS)

LPS is a leading IT and technology solutions provider in the Asia Pacific. We partner with governments and enterprises to achieve digital transformation excellence, driving business growth through our market-leading solutions and industry best practices. As a proud member of Lenovo Group, we have unlocked new synergies with Lenovo’s global reach and technological capabilities. With our 4,600+ team of experts and a strong network of ecosystem partners, LPS is committed to providing end-to-end technology solutions and services, including systems integration, application development and operation, managed services, cloud services, IT outsourcing, and technical services.

To find out more about LPS, please visit www.lpstech.com.

Back to Normal Comes with Recruitment Woes & An Increasing Role for AI in SMEs

Recruitment and the tech industry are things that aren’t going hand in hand at the moment. With the unprecedented growth of the tech industry during the COVID pandemic, it is experiencing a large number of layoffs as it continues to return to “normal”. However, with the contraction of large tech MNCs, comes an opportunity for Malaysian SMEs to acquire the talent they sorely need.

Kevin Fitzgerald Employment Hero
Source: Employment Hero

“Amid the pandemic, many tech firms flourished as people embraced online activities. However, the return to regular work patterns led to significant layoffs due to economic strains. Currently, the tech sector is cautiously recovering, showing restrained spending on innovation despite abundant growth potential, especially driven by AI’s widespread adoption across various industries

Kevin Fitzgerald, Managing Director of Asia at Employment Hero

A Need to Stay Competitive and Look Beyond Local Borders Despite Higher Costs

Employment Hero, recently highlighted in its “State of Recruitment” whitepaper, that Malaysian SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) are facing stiff competition when it comes to recruitment. Not only are they competing with MNCs when it comes to benefits, culture and remuneration, but they are also facing gaps when it comes to integrating technology into their recruitment processes. This is further compounded by the outlook of potential recruits who vie for positions in MNCs and conglomerates for stability and equity.

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Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

There’s no denying that there has been a steep increase in the cost of talent over the years. However, this increase corresponds to a steeply increasing cost of living thanks to a projected economic downturn. In fact, Employment Hero’s report notes that 52% of recruiters see this as a main factor in the increasing cost. That said, should SMEs take the lead in providing or realigning their minimum wages to a more livable wage beyond the current RM1,500 requirement? That’s a question for SMEs to ponder as they continue to form an increasingly important contributor to the Malaysian economy with a contribution of over 38% in 2022, a 3.4% growth year on year from 2021. Not to mention, they account for over 60% of employment nationwide.

SMEs can no longer sit idly by vying for the scraps of larger corporations and MNCs if they want to remain competitive. Like the Malay proverb “Bagaikan cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan” which indicates that mushrooms sprout increasingly after the rain, the Malaysian SME industry is a dime a dozen when it comes to competition. SMEs need to ensure that they are catering to a market larger than just Malaysia. They need to vie for a piece of the international pie and they can only do this if they set their sights and benchmarks at that level.

Kevin Fitzgerald Employment Hero
Source: Employment Hero

“To stay ahead of their competitors, local tech SMEs can emphasise their distinctive strengths within the company, such as a supportive and positive work environment, growth opportunities and customise recruitment and retention strategies to resonate with the needs and aspirations of potential employees. Sharing their narrative and embodying values is crucial for SMEs, especially since millennial candidates actively seek employers with whom they can form genuine connections.

Kevin Fitzgerald, Managing Director of Asia at Employment Hero

Malaysian SMEs can also differentiate themselves with intangible benefits such as workplace culture, work environment, growth opportunities and even retention strategies. These items, which are totally in the hands of business owners and board members in SMEs allow them to offer a better, more coherent work environment that caters not only to the company’s bottom line but also to the well-being of their workforce. An increasingly weighty consideration for candidates is a remote work policy. The Malaysian government has also mandated that companies need to have a remote work policy. While this may seem to be a remnant of the COVID pandemic, it’s become an increasingly crucial consideration for workers, particularly young parents. However, it’s not the only younger ones that look for this, it’s an increasingly sought-after mode of work. What’s more, research has shown that remote work is as effective as – if not more effective than – working in person.

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Photo by Headway on Unsplash

That said, the Malaysian government continues to invest in the tech industry. This is particularly true when it comes to 5G- and AI-related technologies at large. Drilling down, the country is also investing in segments for animation, game development and even manufacturing when it comes to tech. With these investments, SMEs can expect more talent to come their way. It falls on their plate whether they are willing to invest in long-term wins rather than short-term gains when it comes to talent.

More Candidates Does Not Mean More Quality or Shorter Lead Times

Even with those considerations, the Malaysian hiring landscape is not an easy one especially when it comes to SMEs. A staggering 70% of hiring leaders state takes up to a month to fill a vacant position. This is despite getting a large number of applicants. In fact, the larger the number, the longer it took recruiters to fill a position. What’s more, things get a little more complex when it comes to retaining new talent. About 43% of hiring managers report that less than 5% of new recruits actually last beyond their probationary period.

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Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

According to Employment Hero, this could be a mismatch between the candidates and the job role or expectations. To minimize the mismatch, Employment Hero recommends that a job description (JD) should be as detailed as possible. JDs should provide enough insight into the role. Companies should provide a deep dive into the skills required and indicate where this role fits into the larger corporation. It should be a launching pad for the candidate for the rest of the recruitment process.

Kevin Fitzgerald Employment Hero
Source: Employment Hero

“As more hiring leaders implement AI in their hiring processes, they are likely to see a wider talent pool, better candidate matching and reduced bias. Importantly, we expect it to greatly reduce the entire recruitment lifecycle tremendously. So where something previously took hiring managers 41 days, it is now likely to be done in a much more accelerated time frame.”

Kevin Fitzgerald, Managing Director of Asia at Employment Hero

This level of detail helps leaders filter candidates better. In fact, the whitepaper indicates that over-hiring leaders who interviewed a smaller number of candidates saw better retention of their candidates. The number was as high as 63% of hiring leaders reporting this. In essence, companies need to look at vetting their applications from the get-go with a detailed JD followed by a precise, targeted approach to vetting job applications with a truncated timeline.

Using AI to Improve Hiring Outcomes

Of course, with technology seeping into nearly every crevice of work, it comes as no surprise that it is leaving its mark on recruitment as well. The integration of technologies like AI will undoubtedly help bolster the quality of candidates as well as the rate of retention of new talent.

However, it’s also posing a hurdle as SMEs continue to wrestle with investing both monetarily and when it comes to skills. Unfortunately, when it comes to skills, SMEs are eventually going to have to choose between upskilling the talent they have or investing copiously in third-party recruiters who have the know-how. That said, it’s again a choice between short-term gains versus long-term gains. It falls to SMEs where their appetite for investment is and how they see their organization benefiting.

There is, however, another option – leveraging AI technology. AI is simplifying the search for talent in many ways. In fact, Employment Hero has noted that 99% in Malaysia are already using some form of AI in their recruitment practices. AI is being leveraged to improve decision-making and detect anomalies in applications. It can also be used to gauge the candidate’s suitability for the company.

With AI integrations, recruitment timelines are being shortened while increasing the quality of candidates. It’s even making changes to how companies onboard new candidates. It can even be used for background checks.

A Balancing Act between Recruitment, Growth and Investment

As much as the climate for recruitment is improving, it is increasingly becoming a balancing act for SMEs. SMEs need to determine where their priorities are; be it in recruiting high-caliber talent, upskilling and retaining current talent or even investing in technology to improve the overall recruiting process. The bottom line lies with the priorities of SMEs themselves.

Synology Empowers Malaysian Businesses with Cutting-edge NAS Solutions

As businesses in Malaysia embrace hybrid work models, the demand for robust data storage solutions is increasing. Synology, a NAS (Network Attached Storage) provider, is stepping up to the plate by unveiling a slew of innovative features during its recent Synology Solutions Day in Malaysia.


Jason Sin, Sales Manager for Synology Malaysia, expressed the company’s dedication to fortifying data security and boosting productivity. Synology’s NAS servers that run on its secure DiskStation Manager (DSM) will play a pivotal role in addressing the evolving needs of businesses.

Tailored Solutions for Malaysia

Synology is introducing four key solutions customized for the Malaysian market: Data Management, Data Protection, Productivity Enhancement, and Surveillance. This strategic move acknowledges the shift from cloud-based storage and solutions to Synology NAS storage, aligning with diverse industry requirements.

Combatting Cyber Threats

Synology presents a comprehensive data protection solution in response to the escalating cyber threats facing Malaysian businesses. This encompasses heightened NAS login security through features like two-factor authentication, multi-factor authentication, passwordless authentication, and IP address restrictions. The company also offers robust backup solutions for devices, PCs, servers, and SaaS (software-as-a-service) accounts.

A notable addition is Immutable Snapshot, a boon for industries handling sensitive records. Paired with WriteOnce Shared folders, it facilitates swift, secure snapshots, preventing data compromise through Write Once Read Many (WORM) actions for up to 30 days. This feature ensures the integrity of critical files by restricting alterations.

Productivity Amplified with Generative AI

In light of the changing landscape, Synology has integrated Generative AI into Synology Office and MailPlus. This allows users to generate written content seamlessly. Tasks like email composition, article translation, and information searches become effortless through AI-powered chat box interactions.

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The Mail Merge feature further streamlines communication by automating the insertion of recipients’ details, and optimizing email workflows.

Future Roadmap and Innovations

Synology’s commitment extends beyond the present, with plans to enhance scale-out capabilities and introduce enterprise-level data protection products. High-performance solutions catering to the burgeoning AI storage demands are also on the horizon.

Dell Unveils Innovative Loyalty Program in Japan with OORT

NEW YORK, Jan. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Dell Technologies has announced the expansion of its latest global loyalty program to Japan on Jan 18, 2024, following successful launches in Canada and the United States in 2023. In a significant move for the Web3 space, OORT, a burgeoning force in AI-focused decentralized cloud services, has joined this program, offering its OORT Storage (formerly OORT DSS) to Dell’s customers.

OORT: Aligning with Mass Adoption Goals for Decentralized Solutions

The inclusion of OORT in Dell’s loyalty program is a strategic step that resonates deeply with OORT’s mission of driving the mass adoption of decentralized cloud solutions. As the program expands globally, OORT is continuously refining its offerings, making them increasingly suitable for complex and demanding applications, such as those in the field of artificial intelligence.

OORT’s commitment to providing enterprise-grade decentralized cloud solutions is evident in its approach to developing technology tailored for AI applications. This initiative demonstrates OORT’s dedication to innovation and its role in advancing the integration of decentralized technology in mainstream business solutions.

About OORT’s Technology for AI Applications

OORT has been diligently working on enhancing its decentralized storage services and preparing for the upcoming compute services, ensuring that they cater effectively to the burgeoning demands of AI applications. This focus is evident in their latest service updates, which have been designed to offer increased efficiency, security, and scalability – essential features for AI-driven tasks.

Dell Rewards: Embracing the Future with OORT

The extension of Dell Rewards to Japan marks a crucial step in Dell’s journey towards integrating cutting-edge technology with customer-focused services. OORT’s participation as the sole Web3 project in this program signifies a mutual commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Dell Rewards continues to offer an array of exclusive benefits, now enriched with OORT’s decentralized storage solutions, reflecting Dell’s foresight in embracing emerging technologies to benefit its vast customer base.

Future Prospects

As Dell Rewards forges ahead, incorporating OORT’s advanced solutions in Japan and beyond, both companies are set to redefine the standards of customer engagement and technological excellence in the digital age. This partnership not only enhances the loyalty program’s forward-thinking vision but also positions OORT as a trust-worthy provider of decentralized solutions, poised to impact cloud service for AI applications significantly.

For more information about the Dell Rewards loyalty program and OORT’s involvement, please visit https://console.oortech.com/loyalty-program/.

About OORT

OORT is a decentralized cloud for privacy and cost savings. By integrating global compute and storage resources, we provide AI solutions to enhance business operations. To learn more about OORT, please visit www.oortech.com or follow its Twitter at https://twitter.com/oortech.

Forrester: Global Tech Spend To Grow 5.3% In 2024, Reaching $4.7 Trillion

The Asia Pacific region will see the fastest growth; six countries forecasted to have the largest GDP growth are in Asia

SINGAPORE, Jan. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Forrester’s (Nasdaq: FORR) Global Tech Market Forecast, 2023 To 2027, reveals that as economic conditions continue to improve, technology spend will grow 5.3% in 2024 — up from 3.5% in 2023. Two factors will primarily contribute to this growth: Increased spending on software and IT services, including generative AI (genAI), cloud, security, and digital, and economic growth in Asia Pacific. By 2027, software and IT services will capture 69% of global tech spend, with investments in genAI software predicted to reach $227 billion by 2030 at a 36% compound annual growth rate. Asian countries, especially India, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China, will see the fastest tech spend growth in 2024.

Global tech spend is expected to reach $4.7 trillion in 2024, with growth occurring across all regions:

  • Asia Pacific will grow 5.7%. India is one of the largest exporters of technology services: IT exports will reach $194 billion in 2023, and total technology and service industry revenues could reach $350 billion by 2025.
  • North America will grow 5.4%. Software and IT services will capture 60% of US tech spend in 2027, up from 53% in 2018. Financial services and healthcare will see the fastest tech spend growth in 2024, with more modest growth in retail, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics.
  • Europe will grow 5.1%. After a challenging 2023, the European economy will recover in 2024 to grow almost double the rate compared to the previous year. Longer term, European tech spend will see 5.1% to 5.7% growth from 2024 to 2027, driven by higher enterprise digital maturity and more advanced cybersecurity adoption.

“Technology companies faced significant economic headwinds this past year, but 2024 promises a better outlook,” said Michael O’Grady, principal forecast analyst at Forrester. “Asia will see the fastest economic growth due to India’s growing IT export market as well as significant investments in tech innovation. Similarly, in the US, heavy investments in emerging technologies through the development of three primary CHIPS and Science Act agencies will fuel tech spend growth. In Europe, greater investment in cybersecurity and the EU’s Coordinated Plan on AI will help the region bounce back. Demand for cloud and AI is strong across all regions, with genAI expected to boost the tech market over the next three years.”


About Forrester
Forrester (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world. We help leaders across technology, customer experience, digital, marketing, sales, and product functions use customer obsession to accelerate growth. Through Forrester’s proprietary research, consulting, and events, leaders from around the globe are empowered to be bold at work — to navigate change and put their customers at the center of their leadership, strategy, and operations. Our unique insights are grounded in annual surveys of more than 700,000 consumers, business leaders, and technology leaders worldwide; rigorous and objective research methodologies, including Forrester Wave™ evaluations; 100 million real-time feedback votes; and the shared wisdom of our clients. To learn more, visit Forrester.com.

Travel Transformed: How Technology is Reshaping the Digital Nomad

This article is contributed by Lim Paik Wan, Country Manager of Wise Malaysia

As the world rekindles its wanderlust post-pandemic, a silent revolution has begun beneath the surface—a digital renaissance reshaping every aspect of our travels. 

Recent data reveals that 7 out of 10 Malaysians use digital tools to meticulously plan their travels. They rely on websites and apps to arrange nearly every aspect of their journeys, from booking flights and accommodations to planning activities. This isn’t just a fleeting trend, from the moment plans are conceived to the final steps of the journey, technology is shaping every aspect of travel, including birthing a new era of digital nomads who work remotely and simultaneously travel whenever, wherever they want. 

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This paradigm shift reflects a desire to maximise time off, achieve greater work-life balance, and redefine the conventional boundaries of traditional employment.

Rise of the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

The term ‘digital nomad’ is not a new concept, but the pandemic has certainly flipped the way that employees work. As organisations become more accepting of where, when and how people work – we’re seeing an influx of digital nomads heading to getaways with only a laptop, a backpack, a smartphone, and a sense of adventure. There’s a noticeable surge in demand for places that cater to remote work, beyond traditional tourist hotspots. Typically, these places offer travellers the opportunity to go exploring after work hours or set up their workspace at desirable locations, like the beach. 

Several countries are proactively responding to this shift by introducing digital nomad visas, including Portugal, which has issued 2,600 such visas, and Greece, with 1,693 granted. Closer to home, Bali recently announced a collaboration with Airbnb, allowing visitors to work remotely for six months, without paying income tax. Not to be left behind – even Malaysia has introduced its version of the visa called De Rantau which allows foreign and local talents to work and live in the country for three to 12 months. Employers are also offering flexible, work-from-anywhere options. Wise, for example, has a Mobile Wiser programme that lets employees work remotely from almost anywhere in the world for up to 90 days. 

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Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

However, the possibility of all this freedom presents challenges for businesses and employers, including payments, legal, tax and cultural issues. Any first step requires businesses to restructure themselves around roles, employee locations, travel durations and employee education. A well-designed global mobility plan is essential for employers to navigate complexities and avoid unintended payments and tax issues – and business leaders must stay updated on global tax and compliance laws. 

The Power of Technology 

Despite these considerations, it appears that remote work is here to stay, with one study of 3,000 remote workers revealing that 90% of them would like to continue working remotely. In the face of technological advancements, this is entirely possible today – tools like Google Drive, Figma, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams give workers remote access to data and files to complete their tasks and collaborate across different functions.

Traditionally, managing money across borders has been challenging because there isn’t a truly international bank account in place. But now, with strong digital payment solutions like Wise, remote workers can receive and send money all over the world, without any hassle. Furthermore, freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork provide tools and features that allow them to manage their work, including invoicing. 

Card Wise

When it comes to handling currency differences, Wise stands out by offering low, transparent fees and using the fair, mid-market exchange rate. Digital nomads can access account details in 10 different currencies via their Wise account, enabling them to receive funds in these currencies from any location and send funds to over 160 countries – an ideal solution for individuals constantly on the move. Additionally, they can hold over 40 currencies & transact in the local currency with the Wise multi-currency account and prepaid card, allowing users to move, spend and manage money in different currencies within one platform.

As digital nomads lead increasingly borderless lives, the need for faster, cheaper and more transparent solutions that transcend geographical boundaries becomes paramount, especially when it comes to payments. Businesses need to prepare for this shift by actively harnessing the available technology that enables it and putting in place cultures and processes to adeptly meet the ever-growing demands of a digital-nomad workforce. Ultimately, business leaders need to recognise that the digital nomad trend is here to stay and to obtain the best talent, one needs to open their horizons to new ways of working.

[VIDEO] Samsung Galaxy S24 Series First Look

Samsung has just announced its latest flagship – the Galaxy S24 series. This year, the flagship smartphone comes in three versions: the regular Galaxy S24, the Galaxy S24+ and the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Coming with either the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 or the Exynos 2400 and up to 12GB of RAM, the new smartphone series comes optimised with features imbued with Galaxy AI.

Galaxy AI Takes Centre Stage at Unpacked

Samsung’s new Galaxy S24 series wasn’t really the focus of Unpacked. Instead, Samsung spent a good chunk of the announcement talking about Galaxy AI that powers a whole bevvy of new features that run on One UI 6.1. The new focus on AI brings a renewed focus on creating features that help improve the user experience.

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Galaxy AI is the AI platform that is powering a whole load of new features that will make its debut with the Galaxy S24 series. You may recognise a lot of these features from other large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard. However, Samsung is using LLMs and LAMs (Large Action Models) to bring a lot of useful and potentially revolutionary features for its devices – particularly the S4 Ultra.

Galaxy AI for Language

When it comes to features that are coming with the Galaxy S24 series, the ones that involve language are the ones that we’re most excited for. Samsung showed off two at Unpacked – both involving translation on the fly. With Galaxy AI on the Galaxy S24 series, you will be able to translate messages and conversations live and on the fly.

When it comes to messaging, Samsung is bringing on-the-fly translations to messaging apps like WhatsApp, Messages and more. This feature will allow you to translate your text messages as you receive them. Translations of your messages will appear underneath the original one. This feature is app-specific and will only work with apps that have been optimised for it. So far, we have confirmation that WhatsApp and Messages will be supported.

Galaxy AI

In addition to this, you’ll also be able to translate conversations on the fly while you’re on a call or with the person. This translation occurs nearly live as you speak. Of course, you will need to activate it by tapping the Galaxy AI button which will open a text-to-speech interface. This will show you in real-time the translations being done. However, it can’t save the transcript just yet.

Galaxy AI is also being integrated into the Samsung Keyboard. You will be able to use the keyboard to translate your input with the keyboard. These translations can then be sent to the person on the other end of the conversation. Did we mention? You will not need to shift between apps to do this – instead, it’s done on the Samsung keyboard itself.

Samsung has clarified that it’s not using Google Translate to power these features. Instead, they’ve developed these translation models in-house. From what we saw during the demo, the models are pretty reliable. There are about 25 languages available at the moment. All the translation models are done locally on your device.

Galaxy AI for Notetaking & Writing

The Samsung Notes app is getting a supercharge when it comes to Galaxy AI features. The app will be leveraging the generative capabilities of Galaxy more extensively. Samsung isn’t just using AI for handwriting recognition, it’s taking things to the next level with formatting, correction and summarizing.

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Your handwritten notes can now be used as a basis to create neatly formatted documents. You’ll be able to take your handwritten or typed-out notes from a meeting to generate neatly organised meeting minutes. Not only does it do this, it will also give you a few options to choose from when it comes to how you want your notes to be presented.

You’ll even be able to generate a cover letter for your notes with Galaxy AI. The generative capabilities of Galaxy AI are pretty impressive, you’ll be able to generate summaries in different tones. Want to inject a little humour? You’ll even be able to get it summarized in Shakespearean English. This feature can even be used to reply to messages in supported messaging apps.

Even searching with Galaxy AI and Google is getting more intuitive with “circle to search”. The new feature allows you to literally draw a circle around the item you’re interested it will automatically search for the item you’ve circled. This can work with humans too, but only for public figures.

Nightography Integrates Galaxy AI

Galaxy AI is also being integrated into the camera features of the Galaxy S24 series. The new Quad Tele camera system which is present on the S24 Ultra leverages AI to help with Nightography and even regular image processing. Samsung is using Galaxy AI to help with the clarity of photos and videos taken with the Samsung Galaxy S24 series.

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Samsung’s Zoom on the S24 is perhaps one of the most stable we’ve seen in a few years. You’re able to get clear, crisp shots with Galaxy AI. The stabilization is done by both the OIS modules of the camera sensors themselves. The resultant shot is pretty impressive even on hybrid zoom.

However, it’s not just about low-light Nightography and Zooming, Samsung’s Galaxy AI is also bringing quick post-processing and editing to your fingertips. You’ll be able to edit your photos to remove items from the background or replace items in your photos with Generative Fill. You can even remove reflections with Galaxy AI at the touch of a button. Even if you don’t know what will make your photo better, Galaxy AI will have suggestions for you.

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Galaxy AI in the Background, But on Your Terms

Galaxy AI is going to be powering a whole bevvy of features that will be debuting with the Galaxy S24 series. However, Samsung isn’t going to be using your data if you don’t want it to. The company is allowing users to opt out of sharing data with its servers. You can toggle this option in the settings of One UI 6.1. However, if you do choose to opt out, you will be unable to leverage Galaxy AI’s features fully, only those features that can be processed locally on your device.

Samsung’s Galaxy AI will be coming to older Galaxy devices – IF the device has the computational power. To date the only devices that have been guaranteed an update with Galaxy AI are the Galaxy S23 series, the Galaxy S23 FE, the Galaxy Z Fold 5, the Galaxy Z Flip 5, and the Galaxy Tab S9 series. Due to computational requirements, Galaxy AI may not have all its features as it makes its way to older devices.

Xailient AI Powers Award-Winning Abode Edge Camera at CES 2024

SYDNEY, Jan. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Xalient customer Abode, a leading provider of DIY smart home security solutions, has been recognized for their innovative new product, the Abode Edge Camera. Xailient AI runs inside the Abode Edge Camera, watching for anomalies like package deliveries or strangers on the premises, and screening out normal activity like family or natural motion that can confuse less advanced cameras.

The 6-month battery life of the camera was widely lauded as an industry leading customer convenience. Xailient AI helps extend battery life by screening out false alarms or unimportant events, reducing the need to broadcast over Wi-Fi.

The new Abode Edge Camera provides an unprecedented 1.5 mile transmission range by leveraging cutting edge Wi-Fi HaLow technology from Sydney, Australia based Morse Micro. As the first security camera to incorporate the new Wi-Fi standard, Abode customers will benefit from reliable and robust wireless connectivity which also provides excellent signal through walls and floors.

The combination of intelligence, event alerting, and Wi-Fi HaLow make the Abode Edge Camera a category-defining solution. Unveiled at CES® 2024 as a “world’s first”, this groundbreaking solution was a star at the most powerful tech event in the world earning “Best Camera of CES” from WIRED Magazine, prestigious awards from many other publications, and inclusion in over 70 top-tier media outlets.  

AI inside the Edge Camera provides several key customer benefits:

–  Extended battery life – In residential security, an exceedingly high percentage of motion triggered events are not relevant to the homeowner or security provider. In-camera AI screens out irrelevant events, saving the energy required for Wi-Fi transmission, and extending battery life.

–  Privacy-safe AI – Xailient AI runs inside the Abode Edge Camera, so homeowners can take advantage of AI features and choose for themselves what data to share to the cloud.

–  Personalized AI and alert rules – Homeowners can choose to register their family members for privacy-safe Face Recognition. In combination with Abode’s user configurable workflow rules and robust automation engine, this unlocks personalized alerts such as alerting when children are home from school, or if a stranger is at the door.

CES (formerly the Consumer Electronics Show) is the world’s largest technology trade show, attended by 130,000 professionals, press, and enthusiasts.

About Xailient

Xailient is a leading provider of artificial intelligence solutions for computer vision applications. Their privacy-safe AI software enables real-time object detection, facial recognition, and other computer vision tasks in various applications, from security to retail. www.xailient.com

About Abode Systems

Founded in 2014 by former ADT executive Christopher Carney and part of the Nice group since 2018, Abode was designed to be the most flexible and comprehensive all-in-one DIY smart security solution. With a vision of providing ease, simplicity and choice, Abode combines a no-contract home security platform and security cameras with comprehensive smart home functionality. Learn more about https://goabode.com

About Morse Micro

Morse Micro is a leading Wi-Fi HaLow fabless semiconductor company based in Sydney, with global offices. As the world’s premier Wi-Fi HaLow company, we pioneer next-gen IoT wireless connectivity solutions. Morse Micro is now sampling its Wi-Fi Alliance and FCC-certifiable MM6108 production silicon: the fastest, smallest, lowest power and longest-range Wi-Fi HaLow chip available in the market. For more information, go to morsemicro.com or follow us on LinkedIn.

Source: Xailient Inc.

Samsung Pushes Boundaries with a Renewed Galaxy S24 Series

This year’s Galaxy Unpacked isn’t your regular unpacked. Where we expected Samsung to show off its new flagship, the company showed off its latest software prowess – Galaxy AI. The Galaxy S24 series was the vehicle for Galaxy AI’s debut. Galaxy AI will debut in One UI 6.1 on the Galaxy S24.

Specc’d for Galaxy AI

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Before we jump into the meaty parts of Galaxy AI, let’s talk about the Galaxy S24 series. As always, the new flagship series will come with three variants – the Galaxy S24, the Galaxy S24+ and the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Aside from Galaxy AI taking centerstage, Samsung is also making another big change with the Galaxy S24 series: it’s taking the curved display we’re used to seeing in the Galaxy S24 Ultra and giving it the boot. The whole series is now coming with flat AMOLED 2X displays with an adaptive 120Hz refresh rate. As usual, the sizes of the displays will differ according to the variant; the S24 will be coming with a 6.2-inch display, the S24+ will be coming with a 6.7-inch display and the Ultra will be coming with a 6.8-inch display. The displays come with Corning Gorilla Glass Armor across the board.

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Aside from this, the Galaxy S24 series will be coming with the latest and greatest when it comes to processors. This includes both the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and the Exynos 2400. For the Malaysian market, the Galaxy S24 and the Galaxy S24+ will be equipped with the Exynos 2400 while the S24 Ultra will be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. It seems like the American market will be getting the Snapdragon variant across the board. However, processor configurations will differ across different markets. These processors bring a new focus on AI features with dedicated NPUs. The S24+ and S24 Ultra will be coming with 12GB of RAM while the S24 will be coming with 8GB of RAM. The Ultra will also feature a titanium frame while the S24 and S24+ will come with armoured aluminium.

Dual Telephoto Cameras Bring Clarity to the Galaxy S24 Series

The Galaxy S24 Ultra will be the first Galaxy device to be equipped with a quad-camera setup. The highlight of this camera – aside from its Galaxy AI-powered features – is the new dual telephoto setup, The flagship comes with both a 50-megapixel telephoto sensor with 5x optical zoom and a 10-megapixel telephoto sensor with 3x optical zoom. These sensors are complemented by a 12-megapixel ultrawide sensor. The main sensor is a 200-megapixel. Upfront is a 12-megapixel selfie camera.

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Samsung calls this new setup its Quad Tele System which brings better picture quality especially when it comes to zoomed-in pictures. It has near optical quality for pictures captured in up to 10x zoom. Going further will kick it into hybrid zoom which has been vastly improved with Galaxy AI.

The vanilla Galaxy S24 and the S24+ come with triple camera setups. This consists of a 50-megapixel main sensor complemented by the same 10-megapixel, 3x telephoto sensor and 12-megapixel ultrawide sensor. It even shares the same front 12-megapixel sensor up front for selfies. Nightography does make a return to the flagship. Samsung has enhanced low-light performance with the help of Galaxy AI

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All of these features are powered by a 4,000mAh battery on the S24, a 4,500mAh battery on the S24+ and a 4,900mAh battery on the Ultra. Samsung is also bringing better battery performance with Galaxy AI with automatic optimisations happening in the background all the time. Speaking of optimisations, Samsung is promising 7 years of software support for its phones with the S24 series.

Pricing & Availability

The Samsung Galaxy S24 and S24+ will be available in Amber Yellow, Cobalt Violet, Marble Gray, and Onyx Black. If you want more variety, the Sandstone Orange, Sapphire Blue and Jade Green colours are available exclusively on Samsung.com. Prices start at RM4,099/USD$799 for the S24 and RM4,899/USD$999 for the S24+.

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The Galaxy S24 Ultra will be available in Titanium Yellow, Titanium Violet, Titanium Gray, and Titanium Black. Like its siblings, additional colours – Titanium Blue, Titanium Orange and Titanium Green – are available exclusively on Samsung.com. Prices for the S24 Ultra start at RM6,299/USD$1,299.

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Pre-orders for the series kick off today – 18 January 2024 – until 6 February 2024. During this time, purchases of the S24 series will come with an RM500 e-voucher for your next Samsung purchase on Samsung.com, an enhanced trade-in valuation worth up to RM650, a purchase with purchase discount on selected Galaxy Buds, up to RM800 off select Galaxy Tab and Galaxy Watch models when purchased together with the S24 series and up to 45% off on Samsung Care+ and accessories.

Detailed pricing and variants for Malaysia are in the table below.

Galaxy S24 Ultra (1TB)RM 7,799
Galaxy S24 Ultra (512GB)RM 6,799
Galaxy S24 Ultra (256GB)RM 6,299
Galaxy S24+ (512GB)RM 5,399
Galaxy S24+ (256GB)RM 4,899
Galaxy S24 (512GB)RM 4,599
Galaxy S24 (256GB)RM 4,099