Category Archives: Contributed

Picture Perfect: Choosing the Best Projector Resolution for Your Needs

It started with The Magic Lantern in 1895, one of the earliest recorded functional projectors in history, the technology behind projectors today challenges the concept of flexibility, mobility and visual quality. The projector has evolved in so many aspects but one that is particularly significant: the projector resolution.

Projector resolution significantly affects the image quality and our viewing pleasure; it is a measure of clarity & size of the output image. ‘Resolution’ refers to the number of pixels on screen. A pixel is the smallest element on a screen display which produces a complete image when put together. Hence, greater resolution produces greater image quality.

What are the resolution formats available?

Resolution formats vary depending on the intended input/output device and purpose:

Resolution Format
SVGA (800 x 600 pixels)An affordable option for business, large venues and classrooms to project simple data, charts and short clips.
XGA (1024 x 768 pixels)Following the advancement of technology and computers, the XGA format became the native resolution for most desktops and laptops.
WXGA format (1280 x 800 pixels)The widescreen version of the XGA, a common resolution suited to movie-viewing and video gaming.
WUXGA (1920 x 1200 pixels)A standard format for modern desktops and laptops, commonly equipped in large venues due to its bright and high-definition content projection.

Why should we choose a higher resolution at work and schools?

The greater the number of pixels = The higher the resolution = The greater the image quality. When it boils down to image quality, high-resolution formats enrich the quality and detail of charts, graphs, texts and high-definition videos resulting in a sharper, cleaner image[1]. These details are vital for effective classroom learning.

A projector for your home cinema experience

Additionally, high-resolution projectors for home entertainment is an investment for avid moviegoers and film enthusiasts as it allows for an at-home cinematic experience. This allows you to control the quality of your experience to completely immerse yourself in cinematic adventures with more privacy and intimacy.

ResolutionsRecommended Usage
720p (1280 x 720 pixels)An economical choice for movie projection and is compatible with the standard HDTV format
1080p (1920 x 1080 pixels)The standard format for home theatre, commonly used for 1080i/1080p HDTV broadcast and Blu-ray formats
4K UHD (4096 x 2160 pixels)The highest resolution for moving pictures, this means crisp visuals with quality cinematic experience within the comfort of your home

How do we choose the right projector resolution?

It all depends on your content. To guarantee viewing quality and pleasure, the projector’s resolution must be compatible with the content output. For example, the WXGA resolution is best suited with 720p videos and a HD resolution with Blu-ray discs and 1080i HDTV[2]. The projected image quality depends on both the resolution of the content and the projector itself. You may compromise on the content’s quality if the resolution of your input device doesn’t match the resolution of your projector. This happens when your input device (laptop/smartphone), a WUXGA format is projected through XGA formatted projector. The number of pixels will be reduced to fit within the ratio of your projector, reducing the display quality. Hence, making a careful choice in a projector that matches or is higher than the resolution of the input device is necessary to guarantee fine image quality, minimum compression and maximum compatibility[3].

You should opt for solutions that include exceptional image quality with a low total cost of ownership accompanied with excellent reliability and service[4]. Unsurprisingly enough, Epson can provide these and more! Investing in a quality projector, no matter the physical setting and content can improve performance, productivity and ultimately – viewing pleasure.





Is Privacy Our Sole Concern With Contact Tracing Technology?

This week the Guardian reported an alleged ‘standoff’ between the NHSX (the digital innovation arm of the NHS) and tech giants Google and Apple regarding the deployment of contact tracing technology aimed at curbing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The debate is on two predominant issues; first, the base technology to be used and second, how the data will be stored.

Sidestepping the first issue which sees Google and Apple aiming to implement their feature directly on a device’s operating system while the NHSX version requires a downloadable dedicated application, this article will focus on the issue of privacy arising from the second issue.

In essence, Apple and Google have insisted that if there is to be any collaboration between the NHSX and them for the purposes of contact tracing the storage of all data will have to be decentralised. The NHSX, on the other hand, is pushing for centralised storage of data.

What’s the difference?

Before deciding on one system or another, it’s best to understand the basics of the distinction between these systems.

A centralised system has a single storage point and controller of the data collected. The central controller of the data may grant access to other users but remains ultimately responsible for the system as a whole. A centralized system is relatively easy to set up and can be developed quickly. Such a system is very useful where continuous modifications to the parameters of the system are expected or where the use of the data needs to be adapted for different purposes.

In contrast, a decentralised system has multiple controllers of data all of whom collect and store copies of the data on their respective systems. This system allows for quicker access to data and less risk of downtime as a fault with one controller will not necessarily affect the others.

The third form known as a distributed system in which there is no single central owner at all and instead gives collective ownership and control to each user on the network is unlikely to be used by either party.

Each system has its advantages and disadvantages and to make a decision between a centralised and a decentralised system the NHS and the tech giants will need to take into consideration a range of issues including:-

  1. The overall effectiveness of the technology;
  2. The adaptability of the system to the shifting demands of research;
  3. The cost of deployment and maintenance;
  4. Whether or not the system is a security risk for the user;
  5. Whether there are compliance concerns.

Why is a decentralised system so important?

Google and Apple have been clear that the reason for a proposed decentralised system is to avoid the risk of mass government surveillance presently or in the future. This is a genuine concern as the data being collected will be directly related to a user’s location and medical history. Although not absent from criticism, this position is the preferred option and has been supported by academics and numerous civil rights groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union. 

Still, the European position is split with the seven governments supporting the project known as the Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) which proposes a centralised repository of data and a growing following for the Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) advocating a decentralised system.

The NHS itself may not be intent on surveillance however being publicly funded draws immediate speculation to its government links. In addition, both the NHS and the UK government have had a poor record of handling large scale IT projects such as the failed £11bn National Programme for IT, scrapped in 2011 and the plans for a paperless NHS by 2018 which could not even take off.

What about the NHS position?

Unfortunately, the focus on privacy risks coupled with the NHS’s bad track record in the field of technology projects have detracted from the core issue at hand – What does the NHS need right now to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus?

Ross Anderson, an advisor to the NHS on its contact tracing application highlighted the problem with a decentralised system:-

…on the systems front, decentralised systems are all very nice in theory but are a complete pain in practice as they’re too hard to update. We’re still using Internet infrastructure from 30 years ago (BGP, DNS, SMTP…) because it’s just too hard to change… Relying on cryptography tends to make things even more complex, fragile and hard to change. In the pandemic, the public health folks may have to tweak all sorts of parameters weekly or even daily. You can’t do that with apps on 169 different types of phone and with peer-to-peer communications.


The Covid-19 virus took approximately 2 months to infect 100,000 UK residents and the spread has shown few signs of a slowing infection rate. Time is critical in this situation and correspondingly, flexibility in adapting to the constantly changing nature of the infection is a necessity. Decentralised systems do not allow for rapid evolution.

In addition, we should consider that unlike centralised systems, decentralised systems are often unencrypted. While trying to prevent a government from carrying out surveillance, the Google and Apple system may inadvertently open itself up to more security problems than expected. In fact, they have themselves admitted this risk stating that nothing is “unhackable”.     

As a second consideration, the API that Google and Apple will release will likely have strict limitations on the type of data that may be collected. For example, the NHS would not be able to gather a list of every person a user has been in contact with based on user proximity. Instead, it will utilise a more manual version of contact tracing involving sending every phone in the system a list of other phones that have been reported as contagious, and asking the user whether they have “seen this user” Such a system relies heavily on user verification which is often incorrect or simply disregarded.

Key location data which may be used for developing population flow maps and anticipating the further spread of the virus will likely not be made available under Google and Apple’s current proposal. It is also important to note that data from contact tracing could be used beyond the scope of curbing the spread of the virus i.e. for decisions on directing the flow of emergency aid, development of temporary healthcare facilities, deployment of healthcare equipment and personnel.   

What has been going on elsewhere?

Contrasting the UK’s situation, the Asian experience, having less stringent data protection regulations, have taken remarkably different approaches to Europe in general.

Hong Kong, for example, introduced the mandatory use of an electronic wristband connected to a smartphone application to enforce quarantine for arrivals from overseas. Users refusing to adopt this requirement are refused entry into the country.

South Korea won praise for both tracking and publishing data relating to affected person’s travel routes and affected areas, the data being collected through the government’s application as well as numerous independent applications. Residents also receive numerous location-based emergency messages and are not allowed to opt-out of this function.

China’s measures, which have come under considerable question, see a private entity collaboration through the Alipay Health Code. Citizens are given a ‘traffic light’ status that determines the restrictions that will be imposed on them. Although the exact basis for determining a person’s status is not known the status has widespread application including restriction of access to certain public facilities and payment systems.

Privacy concerns of these measures aside, all these countries have seen a considerable reduction in the spread of the Covid-19 virus. While it would be premature to suggest that this is solely attributable to the contact tracing measures implemented there is no doubt that the quick and extensive deployment of the technology has contributed to the battle against the virus’ spread which begs the question:

Is privacy getting in the way?

In 1890, Brandais and Wallace, pioneers of modern day privacy wrote:-

…To determine in advance of experience the exact line at which the dignity and convenience of the individual must yield to the demands of the public welfare or of private justice would be a difficult task…

The UK and indeed Europe are at this juncture and need to decide on the cost of the compromise as the death toll and infection rate continue to increase. History reminds us that the greatest privacy and surveillance violations occurred when the world was focused on a raging war and in fact it is times like this that we must be most vigilant about rights.    

Boosting Banks’ Customer Experience with Operational Efficiency

The way banking is being conducted around the world is changing, especially with customers who are always connected through mobile phones and with 5G not far away in many places.

Coupling that with the rising levels of wage growth entrepreneurship and government policies for financial inclusion, banking’s traditional customer journeys and distribution models won’t scale nor reach the average consumer, and will be significantly cost-prohibitive for the average bank to service. The idea that a consumer needs to visit a branch doesn’t even come into their equation.

Moreover, the consumption of banking products from FinTechs, including unsecured lending, peer-to-peer payments, merchant payments, and business credit, is on the rise. Providers like Ascend Money and Rakuten are fast, simple and digital-first. Simply put, they engender customer satisfaction.  

To catch up with those competitors, many banks have embarked on digital transformation in an effort to transform their customer experiences. However, while many banks have — to some degree — a maturing “front end”, their middle and back offices are often made up of fragile and inflexible applications and data systems. Since such systems limit the bank’s ability to scale and adapt to change quickly, it prevents the front office from running efficiently, which in turn hinders banks from delivering innovative customer journeys.

Furthermore, as net interest margins will likely stay very slim, the continual pressure to make these middle and back-office systems operationally efficient is becoming a higher priority in CFO’s targets.

What are we seeing in the middle and back office in banking?

The prioritization to modernize the back-office applications, databases, and platforms in order to be agile can help re-engineer the customer journey and lower business as usual operations and change management costs. To achieve that, banks need to focus on the following areas:

  • IT infrastructure modernization, as most banks are still running on legacy IT systems that were deployed in silos. With business functions isolated from one another, it can be difficult for banks to deliver a seamless and consistent customer experience across various channels and services.
  • Digital process-driven application modernization. Many banking processes still rely heavily on manual or clunky processes to ensure compliance with policies and historic procedures. Credit adjustments, credit disputes, loan approvals, case management, fraud event management, for example, require human reviews and hand-written approval signatures. When coupled with KYC (know your customer) as a principal operating model, integrating this into manual or clunky processes is a must-have for improving customer experience.  

The keys to improving operational efficiency

Taking the application and infrastructure design lessons learnt from the digital front-end services — such as being API-oriented, able to be deployed on a Linux container architecture, can scale horizontally, and have updates delivered rapidly through a microservice architecture — and applying them to the middle and back-office systems can help deliver the desired operational efficiencies.

Most banks, however, have decades of IP, rules, and processes hardcoded deep into the system, or have multiple clunky expensive business process management middleware workflow tools, each with their own proprietary extensions and interfaces. As such, modernization can be a difficult task, especially when they don’t know where to start.

Examples of success

BBVA — which operates in 30 countries with their associated regulatory jurisdictions and serves more than 72 million customers — was one bank that faced legacy issues. The bank managed to overcome these by modernizing the middle office business process and rules centric applications to be API first, easily extendable, globally reusable with consistent developer experience, scalable, container-based and open.

Capital One undertook a similar exercise with its middle office systems. Since the bank was initially using multiple case management process tools (each with their own interfaces, runtimes and toolsets), it decided to standardize and simplify its case management processes to improve its operations. By implementing an open source, API-oriented, easily scalable, and changeable case management and process management layer, Capital One managed to speed up delivery and drive down costs.

Speaking of APIs, these have typically been utilized as a software design principle for digital front ends in banking. However, having middle and back-office systems and data with an API layer across these can drive much greater operational efficiency. With customer journeys or compliance services increasingly demanding back-office systems to be integrated, what better way of connecting those systems than to leverage APIs?

The trick to doing so successfully is to design and modernize middle and back-office applications with useable and scalable APIs to integrate the digital and front office systems of engagement with.

Moreover, as these applications and databases become updated with APIs as integration points, the use of microservices can be important in improving transactional and operational efficiency. This relates to the lowering of IT infrastructure costs and driving down the cost of IT delivery year on year.

As applications are modernized with APIs and a microservice application architecture, they are often deployed on Linux containers. For the product and customer support managers in the bank looking for ways to make constant variations to their systems — either to improve the back-office process, enhance a customer experience or meet compliance — having these systems running as small componentized microservices gives their IT team the ability to roll out updates to their system without taking down the entire application. This can give the bank a higher degree of agility, while helping to save cost because it can take significantly less time and fewer people to release an update.

All in all, providing exceptional customer experiences may call for banks to transform their digital experiences beyond impressive user interfaces. APIs, microservices, and other open source solutions can help with back-end processes that are highly integrated and streamlined. With more efficient back-office operations, banks around the world will be better prepared to provide the seamless user experience that customers expect.

Driving Digital Transformation in Malaysia Through Hybrid Cloud and Interconnected Data Centres

Digital transformation is no longer a thing of the future. In this increasingly digital marketplace, data is the key strategic asset for businesses to remain agile and effective.

To do so, more and more organisations are launching various digital transformation initiatives such as data analytics, machine learning, robotics, and artificial intelligence to boost their business’ returns and efficiency. Such efforts are already seeing measurable returns, according to 58% of C-Level executives in Malaysia in a study by Workday in partnership with IDC Asia Pacific[1].

Investing in the right technologies is crucial, and one area that businesses should look into is co-location and hybrid cloud computing.

The Competitive Edge of Hybrid Cloud Computing

With all the buzz surrounding cloud computing today, public cloud services have become a popular option among organisations. More businesses are migrating their services and application development to the cloud to take advantage of its cost efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and collaboration efficiency.

Image by Bethany Drouin from Pixabay

However, some local organisations may still be reluctant to migrate to the cloud. Among the key challenges that hinder them from adopting cloud in their day-to-day business operations include lack of awareness of the cost benefits and the cloud migration process as well as cyber security issues.

Cyber security is also an issue if the organisation’s applications use highly confidential data that can’t be stored off-premise. Public cloud services also have their fair share of concerns, such as performance, control, regulatory, compliance, and security threats. The existence of legacy monolith apps or systems may also prevent an organisation from making the migration. 

To address these challenges, many organisations are adopting hybrid cloud computing. In essence, a hybrid cloud is a computing environment that combines both public and private cloud. Part of the organisation’s IT capabilities and data are moved to the cloud (public) while certain elements remain hosted in a single-tenant environment (private).

Migrating to a full cloud environment without proper planning has its risks and pitfalls. A hybrid cloud model allows an organisation to streamline its day-to-day functionality without interrupting its core services. Hybrid cloud computing also offers a degree of flexibility and scalability since businesses can take advantage of the computing power of a public cloud when necessary while keeping essential business functions securely separated.

Furthermore, the computing workload of an organisation’s day-to-day operations will usually fluctuate depending on demand, making massive capital expenditures to handle short-term resource spikes costly and ineffective. Hybrid cloud computing with a direct connection to a global cloud service providers (CSP) would allow organisations to offload to a public cloud when required, so organisations only have to pay for the additional storage and compute resources they have ‘rented’ temporarily.

Selecting the Right Hybrid Cloud Deployment

The adoption of hybrid cloud technology has become increasingly important, however choosing the right data centre is also vital for any business strategy. Organisations need data centres that provide comprehensive global points of presence and connectivity. AIMS Data Centre, a leading cloud infrastructure services provider in Malaysia, offers direct access to multiple global CSPs. Instead of multiple connections, a single connection is all that is required to connect to global CSPs, simplifying IT infrastructure management. The connection also bypasses the public Internet, which enables better latency and enhanced security & consistency when accessing cloud services.

By co-locating with AIMS, businesses can be linked to its dynamic ecosystem for faster, more optimised performance. As one of the most interconnected data centres in the region, AIMS Data Centre can help to accelerate your company’s digital transformation and deliver greater value to customers and stakeholders. 

Improving Business Efficiency Through Interconnected Data Centres

In the past, businesses had to allocate resources to maintain a server room with its own specialist team to manage and maintain individual servers. Today, businesses can greatly reduce their operational expenditures by co-locating in dedicated interconnected data centres, which are instrumental in connecting, supporting, and safeguarding an international business network thanks to their larger bandwidth and capability to connect to multiple transit providers.

Image by TheAndrasBarta from Pixabay

As the point of connection for local and international Internet Service Providers as well as content providers, a business co-locating at AIMS Data Centre will enjoy direct peering privileges, which means optimised traffic and services at a lower cost. 

Data centres like AIMS also offer a host of benefits that organisations may not have the time and resources to set up, such as specialised cooling containment technology, customisable rack solutions, uninterruptible power supply systems, and 24/7 round-the-clock security, monitoring, and support. This means an organisation’s IT team can focus on their core business and maximise its potential, while AIMS takes care of the rest.   


Sprinting to Bring Tech to Emergency Hospitals in Wuhan, China

This article is contributed by Varinderjit Singh, General Manager, Lenovo Malaysia.

In a staggering feat of modern construction, crews in Wuhan, China built two emergency hospitals in 10 days shortly after the coronavirus outbreak began to relieve an overburdened hospital system for this unprecedented pandemic. For a small group of Lenovo employees, those days in late January will be forever remembered as a time of rapid and meaningful collaboration alongside colleagues and friends to meet a devastating technical challenge.

Emergency Construction Begins

As hospitals in Wuhan became instantly overcrowded with patients, construction began on January 23 of the Huoshenshan hospital and again on January 27 of the Leishenshan hospital. The day after emergency construction crews broke ground on the first hospital, Lenovo created an epidemic prevention and control team that decided to donate all the IT equipment needed by Huoshenshan.

Source: Business Insider

Delivering hundreds of computers, tablets, printers, and more to the hospital in such a short time—and in a way that would be safe for everyone involved—posed an incredible challenge to the team. Still, the scale and operational experience of Lenovo made the team optimistic they could contribute all the necessary parts within the aggressive 10-day timeline.“We just want to do something, to help by providing whatever IT equipment the hospital needed,” said Lu Yuan, General Manager of Lenovo’s Commercial Customer Business of Hunan and Hubei provinces (Wuhan is located in Hubei province).

Round the Clock Coordination

Source: Lenovo

Getting the products to the hospitals through a largely quarantined city was the first task, followed immediately by assembling IT and maintenance volunteers needed to make it all work on site. Lenovo’s after-sales service engineers from across the country, Xu Tan, Senior Manager of Lenovo Customers of Hubei and Wu Zhiyuan, Senior Sale Manager of Commercial Solutions volunteered and worked non stop to better equip the front-line medical staff for a better fight.

“The complex environment is far beyond imagination,” said Wu. “Under normal circumstances, with the speed of Lenovo, 15 people and 500 sets of equipment can be fully installed and commissioned in less than 24 hours. However, the 24-hour, non-stop construction requires coordination from multiple parts, such as communicating with the hospital’s organizer, establishing the on-site network, and syncing with tech experts at Lenovo headquarters.”

Wu continued, “In general circumstances, one PC is equipped with one printer, but for the hospital each medical PC needs to connect to three printers: a wristband printer, a case printer, and a receipt printer, which is a tough challenge for compatibility. Huoshenshan alone has 500 desktops, and if we install the equipment one by one, the workload is beyond imagination. But with the help of Lenovo IDV [a desktop solution that can quickly install thousands of PCs] we installed the desktops of 500 computer terminals at once, enabling doctors and staff to use them immediately. Also any problems can be handled remotely, which is not only extremely efficient but also reduces the frequency of entering any contaminated areas.”

A group of Lenovo engineers and hospital support completed the installation and commissioning of more than 1,400 pieces of equipment at both hospitals in only a few days to ensure that the hospitals would be able to provide services to patients on time.

By February 2, all IT equipment donated to Huoshenshan Hospital was delivered, updated, installed, and put into use—just one day before its doors opened to patients on February 3.

This was the beginning of Lenovo’s efforts to support employees, customers, and communities as COVID-19 spread. In China, Lenovo’s efforts continue, bolstered by the friends from Lenovo all around the world.

Coronavirus Puts Remote Work Security to the Test

*This article is contributed by Kevin Reed, CISO, Acronis*

As authorities worldwide work to contain the deadly coronavirus and try to keep it from spreading, the travel restrictions put in place are causing many organizations to rethink their operations. Rather than traveling to a region where their return flight might be at risk of being quarantined, many are turning to videoconferencing, file sync and share, and other remote work solutions to keep their businesses going. In China, where the disease started and where remote work policies are historically uncommon, the remote collaboration tool Zoom saw a single-day increase in downloads of 15%.

Source: Acronis

Remote work can certainly benefit a company, encouraging more collaboration and knowledge sharing. That’s why its adoption has grown significantly in the last several years. In fact, the global enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) market is expected to reach $24.4 billion by 2027, up from $3.4 billion in 2018.

Yet the wrong solution can put organizations at risk if they don’t address data security and privacy. To combat this predicament, businesses need to implement secure file sync and share technologies so that employees can work from home while also being able to access and transfer data in a manner that is both secure and safe.

What is file sync and share?

File sync and share technology is designed with the modern professional landscape in mind; a landscape where workforces rely on multiple devices and location flexibility in order to maximize productivity. File sync and share gives organizations the power to share files across multiple devices and with multiple people using file synchronization – allowing files to be stored in any approved data repository and accessed remotely by employees from any of their IT provisioned devices.

Security risks associated with remote work

Historically, remote work policies have been a sensitive topic for organizations. While some employers might fear that remote work creates a dip in employee performance, the larger concern is actually securing the proprietary and business-critical data modern companies rely on.

On a corporate network, IT teams can easily secure employee devices, but this becomes much more difficult to do once an employee accesses the system from outside the network.

Outside of the corporate network, devices are easily susceptible to attacks from third parties and cybercriminals. Attacking these unsecured endpoints can reveal the employee’s login credentials to cybercriminals so they can access the company’s system, or even use ransomware to lock company data – which happened to the NextCloud service last fall.

Benefits of secure file sync and share

Solutions that are built to deliver secure file sync and share give organizations the flexibility to enable employee collaboration and productivity while giving the IT department control over the protection of company data. Here are some of the ways that secure file sync and share technology protects and empowers businesses:

  • Secure File Sharing – It’s well known that when a file sync and share solution isn’t provided, employees will often resort to using their own personal devices and tools. Because these tools and devices exist outside of the control of IT departments, they’re inherently not secure and put sensitive company data at risk. With secure file sync and share, employees can easily share and access company files while IT maintains the privacy and security of the data.
  • Easy Anywhere, Anytime Access ­– Organizations are beginning to see the workday less as a clock-in/clock-out office environment, and have adopted an environment that supports the various schedules and lifestyles of their employees. With secure file-sync and share, employees are no longer constrained to a single corporate-owned device to be productive.
  • Data Loss Prevention and Disaster Recovery – When corporate data is centrally stored, it’s better protected against data leakage. This includes data lost to a cyberattack, employee error, or a lost or stolen device. With an enterprise-grade file sync and share solution, sensitive corporate data is kept secure and protected.
  • Easy Collaboration – File sync and share services are adapting to not only protect company data but to aid in remote workplace collaboration. Some file sync and share tools now provide users with tools to preview and edit files in-browser, search and find specific company documents and versions, and keep all employees on the same version of a document.

Final Thought

While global emergencies such as the coronavirus outbreak may highlight the benefits of having a secure remote work policy in place, the use of secure collaborative tools should be understood as part of a larger cultural shift. As more organizations adopt remote work policies, the IT teams, and MSPs that service these companies should adopt secure file sync and share solutions.

To help organizations introduce remote work policies in a way that is safe and secure, MSPs can offer their business customers Acronis Cyber Files Cloud, a secure enterprise file sync and share solution that features end-to-end encryption, user controls, and an audit trail.

Similarly, organizations that do not rely on an MSP can choose Acronis Cyber Files Advanced, an easy, complete, and secure enterprise file sharing solution that makes users more productive and gives IT complete control over business content to ensure security, maintain compliance, and enable BYOD.

How ethical hacking can improve your security posture

*This article is contributed by Myles Hosford, Head of Security Architecture, ASEAN, AWS*

Cybersecurity professionals see some threat actors or outside-parties as the enemy. However, challenging this mindset is important; you can better protect your organization against outside-parties if you understand how they think and operate. With this in mind, businesses around the globe have turned to hackers to test security infrastructure and develop stronger, more robust security practices.

Before integrating penetration testing into your security policy, it is important to understand the different types of hackers that exist. Each group has differing motivations, and you must be clear on which of their skills can be used to your organization’s advantage.

Black hat

Photo by Luca Nardone from Pexels

Black hat hackers are cybercriminals motivated by personal or financial gain. They range from teenage amateurs to experienced individuals or teams with a specific remit. However, over recent years, several high profile blackhat hackers have refocused on using their cyber skills to protect organizations. An example is Kevin Mitnick aka Condor, who was just sixteen years old when he gained access to a Department of Defense computer.  Following this and numerous other hacks, Mitnick spent five and a half years in prison. Upon his release set up his own company, Mitnick Security Consulting, which now runs penetration tests for clients.

The issue of whether to work with a previous black hat hacker is a contentious one. Some, including David Warburton, senior threat evangelist at F5 Networks, believe that hiring ex-hackers is critical in staying ahead of the threat landscape. However, others are concerned about allowing this group access to corporate systems and customer data. The latter group should, however, consider other approaches to working with hackers. 

White hat

Photo by Reza Rostampisheh on Unsplash

Often referred to as ethical hackers, white hat hackers are employed by organizations to look for vulnerabilities in security defences. Despite using the same tactics as black hat hackers, this group has permission from the organization making what they do entirely legal. While they use their knowledge to find ways to break the defences, they then work alongside security teams to fix issues before others discover them.

Many of the biggest organizations in the world, including General Motors and Starbucks, are turning to white hat hackers to help identify fault lines and proactively enhance security posture. White hat hacking can offer an interesting and lucrative career path for people with technical skills. Drawing attention to the important role white hat hackers play can encourage more talented individuals to take a positive path instead of becoming black hat hackers.

Nurturing talent

There are many programmes in place to find, encourage and support the next generation of white hat hackers. An example, supported by AWS, is r00tz Asylum, a conference dedicated to teaching young people how to become white-hats. Attendees learn how hackers operate and how cybersecurity experts defend against hackers. The aim is to encourage people with technical expertise to use it for good in their career.  By equipping aspiring cybersecurity professionals with knowledge and skills, they can bake security into infrastructure, from the ground up. AWS’s support for r00tz is our chance to give back to the next generation, providing young people who are interested in security with a safe learning environment and access to mentors.

Building on solid foundations

Photo by Ramin Khatibi on Unsplash

For those responsible for maintaining customer trust and protecting data, an end to end approach to security is critical. As we have seen, working with ethical hackers is a powerful way to view security posture from a cyber-criminal’s perspective to identify and tackle vulnerabilities. However, it’s also important to remember that security needs to be baked in throughout an organization’s infrastructure. This is where partnering with a cloud platform can be beneficial; the best of these are developed to satisfy the needs of the most risk-sensitive organizations. Cloud platforms also offer automated security services, which can proactively manage security assessments, threat detection, and policy management. In so doing, these platforms take on a lot of the heavy lifting for security professionals, including ethical hackers.

How blockchain technology is enabling new ways of doing business

*This article is contributed by Myles Hosford, Head of Security Architecture, ASEAN, AWS*

As the world becomes more interconnected, opportunities for companies and individuals to interact and transact across borders, time zones, and channels grow quickly. To make sure that these transactions run smoothly, proactive management – specifically to ensure the minimization of cost, lowering of risk, and the elimination of inefficiencies – is needed.

Distributed ledger technology (DLT) such as blockchain helps simplify transactions and conduct efficient, secure interactions with multiple independent parties around the globe. All without the need for a third-party intermediary. These transactions can vary from sending anything from farm data, to banking and contract transactions.

Use case: Empowering farmers to sell field data transparently

Farmers collect large volumes of data with each step in the planting and harvesting process. Licensed data – data that qualifies as intellectual property of the farmer such as which crops to plant or how many seedlings – can be anonymized, sold to third parties and offer the agricultural industry with real-time insights on farms across the world. However, farmers are unsure how to monetize this crop data.

Photo by Tom Fisk from Pexels

As farmers are unsure how to monetize their crop data, Farmobile addresses these challenges through a blockchain-based exchange, built on AWS. The solution empowers farmers to licence data to approved buyers and includes account set up, creation, confirmation, execution of the offer, and delivery of the digital asset. They can seamlessly sell single-use licenses while keeping their farm’s identity completely anonymous. However, farmers have full visibility into the identities of potential data buyers, such as agronomists, equipment producers, and retailers, and are free to decline offers.

Use Case: Boosting financial inclusivity

Another case study for Blockchain technology is the financial sector in the Philippines. Here, rural banks lack the resources of larger banking institutions, making it nearly impossible for them to thrive or survive. This has left a large majority of rural-based Filipinos with little or no banking access.

Photo by David McBee from Pexels

UnionBank, a pioneer in its use of blockchain technology, joined forces with ConsenSys, an AWS Partner , to build a blockchain solution that would resolve this issue. The new, blockchain-based solution created a decentralized, cost-efficient, and near real-time network, allowing for the execution of domestic payments without relying on existing banking infrastructure and intermediaries.

The blockchain solution introduced means that rural banks no longer have to shoulder the burden of manually processing back-office transactions, freeing up staff to serve more customers. As such, the technology not only increased banking access and inclusivity but drove sustainable, future banking practices.

Use case: Limiting contract disputes in the oil and gas industry

Another example comes from the oil and gas industry. Moving resources through the oil and gas supply chain involves many stakeholders, including landowners, governments, oil and gas company operators, surveyors, and financial institutions. One critical step occurs between those mining the oil and royalty owners on whose land the oil is mined. Checking royalty transaction payments is a lengthy, manual process where stakeholders must agree to contract terms upfront. However, those terms are often interpreted differently on either side, often leading to disputes.

GuildOne, believed companies needed more efficient, secure, and cost-effective ways to execute a royalty contract transaction. They developed a solution through which contract terms are capable of being replicated, and consensus agreed using blockchain technology. By doing so, they mitigated the possibility of disputes and eliminated a large chunk of the expense of contract administration.

To build its royalty ledger and to meet the stringent privacy and security needs of its stakeholders, GuildOne chose to use R3’s Corda — a blockchain platform built for business and longevity — on AWS. Believing that the security capabilities gained would be vital in enabling rapid adoption of the royalty ledger solution in the oil and gas industry.

The future of blockchain technology solutions

Blockchain solutions are transforming the ways companies and individuals do business, locally and globally, by simplifying transactions and increasing their efficiency. Those looking to take advantage of the technology should partner with cloud providers capable of scaling up while delivering cybersecurity controls and standards to protect from external attacks. With Amazon Managed Blockchain, it eliminates the overhead required to create the network and automatically scales to meet the demands of thousands of applications running millions of transactions. Once a network is up and running, Managed Blockchain makes it easy to manage and maintain the blockchain network by managing its certificates and letting customers easily invite new members to join the network.

Combining AI and Humans in the New Decade

*This article is a contributed article by Ravi Saraogi, Co-Founder and President of Uniphore, APAC *

2020 marks the transition into the great unknown. With the emergence of new possibilities and challenges ahead of us, successful organisations must be quick to identify and take advantage of opportunities through the power of emerging technologies. Specific to the customer service industry, brands that utilise Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies will improve business operations and customer experiences.

It is estimated that about 70% of organizations will integrate AI to assist employee productivity by 2021[1] to meet the high demand of delivering faster, relevant and holistic services to today’s customers. More often than not, customers today are frustrated that broken customer service systems and poorly equipped agents don’t understand their requests. To fix this, businesses must move away from a siloed experience and approach service holistically.

Photo by mahdis mousavi on Unsplash

In terms of the adoption of the adoption of AI in Malaysian businesses, it was revealed that only 26% of companies in Malaysia have actually begun integrating AI into their operations, according to a survey that was conducted in 2018. The low adoption rate is attributed to two key barriers that are related to organizational culture on AI and limited employee skill sets2. Thus, the time is now to blend the capabilities of people and AI and better understand conversations in real-time for businesses to stay ahead of the race.

New Power to Customer Voice

With technological capabilities, it’s about time we start hearing what customers really want. Customers today are time poor, distracted and empowered by lots of products and services to choose from. Instant gratification is their modus operandi. With other factors like price point and product quality being at par, superior customer service remains challenging and is often a deal breaker. In a competitive landscape, customers demand a seamless experience when interacting with a brand.

That said, poor customer experiences are not difficult to resolve at all, more so today due to machine learning, AI and automation. This is because AI is now helping brands to truly listen to the voice of the customer and understand their needs in order to quickly resolve customer queries, deepen customer engagement, and deliver superior customer experience at scale.  

Making Headway with Conversational Service Automation

Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Gobind Singh Deo emphasises Malaysia’s potential in the development of AI in both public and private sectors, and the importance of ensuring the local government and industries capitalise on the opportunities at hand.[2]

The use of AI is becoming more prevalent in the customer service industry as conversations become more complex. There is a small window of opportunity for brands to deliver personalised customer service, particularly when your engagement happens across diverse channels. Being equipped with an understanding of context, sentiment, behaviour and real intent, and being able to act on such insights in real-time becomes even more crucial.

Photo by Joseph Pearson on Unsplash

Conversational Service Automation is about enabling front office automation in contact centres. Consider this scenario: A customer starts a conversation with a chatbot for quick self-service. The bot is able to provide some quick and valuable updates based on the customer’s previous interactions. If the conversation gets more complex, the voice bot politely hands the call to a human agent via a live transfer. The agent is assisted through real-time analytics and chat transcripts to be able to make the next best offer which the customer gladly accepts.

This automation backed by real-time analytics is continuously self-learning, enabling real-time listening of conversations across channels and then converting them into actionable insights. As a result, a win-win situation is created where businesses can reduce work pressure on call center agents, improve accuracy of information and greater customer satisfaction.

Getting Ahead of the Race with Voice and AI

We are in the midst of a customer experience transformation and conversational AI technology is leading this change. There is a positive acceptance from both businesses and customers to adopt newer conversational AI technologies. This is driven by the try-before-you-buy and pay-as-you-go models offered, which enterprises find appealing and less risky. Brands can take smaller bets, test-and-learn and then scale up.

Automation has successfully allowed computers to respond to contexts within queries, monitor customer behaviour and improve overall customer service. Moreover, contact centre agents can now receive real-time alerts and recommendations for upsell and cross-sell. The time is now for companies to leverage conversational AI to deliver a quantum leap in customer service, in an industry that is full of potential. It is good to note that brands that embrace conversational service automation will be the ones who stay ahead of the competition and thrive in the new decade.



The Social Trends Shaping Business in 2020

*This article is contributed by Nicole Tan, Country Director of Facebook Malaysia*

A fisherman who uses WhatsApp and Facebook to change his quality of life and keeps his community safe by alerting each other on weather and tide conditions, a non-profit that empowers the homeless towards financial independence by turning them into tour guides, a delicious sambal recipe made in Malaysia that gained acclaim across borders from Indonesia and the Philippines — these are real examples of business innovation previously unimaginable.

The year 2020 crowns a decade of change that has upended traditional ways of starting, marketing and growing businesses across the world. This is even more pronounced in Asia, where entire countries have leapfrogged to the mobile internet, making the region home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies. According to the Department of Statistics Malaysia, the nations’ digital economy contributed 18.5% to the national economy in 2018, while e-commerce contributed 8%, highlighting digital transformation as a catalyst for expansion[1].

Source: Facebook

According to a McKinsey report, by 2040, Asia could account for more than half of the global GDP with global cross-order flows shifting towards Asia. The report shows how these changes could shift globalisation towards regionalisation with 60 percent of goods traded by Asian economies being within the region. In addition, 71 percent of Asian investment in start-ups is intraregional, and 74 percent of Asian travelers travel within the region[2]

Malaysia’s exports accounts for more than 71.5% of GDP[3]. Digital adoption in increasing productivity is crucial for SMEs to expand further[4] and digital tools give SMEs a boost in economic growth (revenue and sales 65%) and go global (82% of exporting SMEs in Malaysia say that at least half of their exports depend on online tools usage)[5].

Against this backdrop of macroeconomic change, people’s expectations for the experiences they have with brands and businesses is evolving fast. As we have seen over the last few years, people adopt new technologies long before businesses do, and it influences how they discover, research and finally make purchasing decisions.

We see this every day on Facebook, where every day 1.62 billion people across the world come to connect with people, products and services they care about. We stand at the intersection of community and creativity where brands can identify, take inspiration from and participate in the communities that people inhabit. At the start of 2019, we shared three social trends that were on rise across our platforms: ephemeral sharing, videos and messaging. As we head into 2020, these trends have only intensified in our region. Simply put, Asia is about more — more mobile, more video, more stories, more conversation and more commerce.

Malaysia is a truly mobile-first nation with 88% owning smartphones. According to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), 77.6% of Malaysians are spending time streaming or downloading videos online[6].

Last year we saw how people show preference for sharing photographs or video over typing out a text update, the comfort of knowing what you post isn’t going to stick around forever and the need to share everyday moments with smaller audiences.

It’s interesting to note that video on mobile is far from a homogeneous experience. Unlike traditional video, mobile video experiences are not linear and vary based on a number of factors. Through our research and experience over the last few years, we’ve seen two distinct categories of video experiences that have accelerated largely due to mobile: “on-the-go” and “captivated viewing.” As a result of these changing viewing habits, people are most drawn to brands that are easy to discover and use, whether it’s through their strong presence in online communities or their high-quality mobile content across platforms. With the continued growth in streaming services, people will be looking to brands that can clearly communicate their offerings and to those that can create a more personalised viewing experience.

We’re continuing to see fast adoption of ephemeral sharing as each of our Stories experiences across Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp now have more than half a billion daily users[7]. As more and more people use Stories, we’re making it easier for marketers to adopt this format and reach people where they’re spending their time.

The same goes for messaging. At the start of 2018, we shared that over 8 billion messages were sent between people and businesses on Messenger every month. That number has more than doubled to 20 billion messages this year – which shows that people expect to communicate with businesses in much the same way as they message with their friends. As people increasingly use messaging apps, we’re helping businesses make the shift too. There are now over 40 million monthly active businesses on Messenger (i.e. sending or receiving a message on Messenger)[8] and research shows that people in emerging countries in Asia-Pacific are more likely than the global average to message a business. In fact, 63% of people surveyed in Asia-Pacific messaged a business last Holiday season[9]. More than 5 million businesses are actively using the WhatsApp Business app each month[10].

While last year we saw the ability to message with a business made people feel more confident about the brand and more connected to it and create a connection that fosters brand loyalty, this year we see an interesting subset of this preference for messaging; the growing use of messaging or online chat to buy and sell. A study by the Boston Consulting Group in partnership with Facebook across nine countries found that Southeast Asia outpaces other countries surveyed in both awareness and adoption of conversational commerce. Of the nine countries surveyed, the percentage of respondents who had undertaken a conversational commerce transaction was the highest in Thailand and Vietnam, at 40% and 36% respectively, followed by Indonesia (29%), Malaysia (26%) and the Philippines (23%). The rate of adoption for other countries is still nascent – US (5%), Mexico (6%), India (10%), and Brazil (11%), which shows substantial opportunity for growth[11]. The study unveiled a remarkable finding that discovery and spending behavior of digital consumers in between Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities are very similar, debunking the myth that Tier 1 digital consumers shop more online. Once a Tier 2 shopper adopts online shopping, habits and preferences become very similar to Tier 1. Except for the discovery journey, where Tier 2 shoppers don’t know what they want to buy even more, which means they are even more encouraged by inspiration-shopping.

Source: Tech Crunch

All of these developments mean that the commerce landscape will continue to evolve with people opting to interact with businesses via experiences that are most relevant, personal, and seamless in their daily lives. With increasing affluence and access to the mobile internet, the ways people discover new products is very much about a connected experience. Therefore, ensuring that your business and brands are visible and discoverable is going to be an essential element to winning in the new era of commerce.

Today, Most Malaysian consumers want everything almost immediately, making every step or delay a chance for them to abandon their journeys. Awareness, information gaps and the inability to optimise technology are some causes that contributed to the friction[12]. So what can businesses do to prepare for this new era of commerce? Bring connection back to the equation. Businesses can enhance connections by designing mobile-friendly websites, apps, marketing and real-time communication to reduce friction and establish the best experiences for customers[13].

[1] Department of Statistics Malaysia: Contribution of Digital Economy was 18.5 per cent to National Economy

[2] McKinsey: Future of Asia report



[5] Future of Business Survey H1 2018


[7] Facebook Q3 earnings 2019

[8] Mobile Unique subscribers, GSMA Intelligence, Oct 2019.




[12] Zero Friction Future Report: Malaysia Financial Services
