Google’s Android Auto has been getting constant updates for a while now and is getting the attention it finally deserves. Android Auto has been a blessing for plenty of Android users in their cars. With every update, they just get better, more useful, and even more relevant to drivers today than ever before. You can use Google Assistant seamlessly in your car, for example. You can also reply to text messages via Android Auto, obviously via voice activation. In one of their latest updates, the interface now allows you to spread the screen out in multiple windows with Google Maps or Waze taking up most of the real estate while allowing another app like YouTube Music, Tidal, or Spotify in a smaller window. Even your notification can get its own window in the latest interface.

In their latest update, Google is looking to make Android Auto a better journey companion than before by bringing more apps into the Android Auto Ecosystem. For those that are always on-the-go but can never get away from their smartphones for work, Google is bringing Zoom and WebEx into Android Auto for a more seamless video call experience even when you are stuck in a terrible traffic jam. For the long-drawn-out standstill traffic, they are also bringing Prime Video into the fold. Best of all though, for better journey planning, they are bringing weather updates via The Weather Channel app into Android Auto.
The Weather Channel app has been the most popular weather prediction app on Android devices worldwide. It is only natural to start bringing the app into Android Auto for the purpose of journey planning. The Android Auto version of the app will operate a little differently from the smartphone app though. There are still some similarities like push weather updates, but now it is more catered toward your specific journeys. It updates the users of incoming bad weather, for example, just so that you can either plan around the traffic build up, or brace for extended journey times. The Android Auto app also can offer hourly forecasts, follow-me alerting, and Trip View radar that allows you to be your own F1 race engineer watching out for rain on your journey.

The updates are being rolled out to Android Auto units by select manufacturers currently and will roll out to other users following the select manufacturers. They are also rolling out digital key support in select regions for select manufacturers and models. Of course, while that nifty feature allows you to lock and unlock your car via your smartphone, you want to keep in mind that it will only work if your care comes natively with Android Auto. More information on the latest updates on Android Auto can be found on their website.