CelcomDigi is extending a heartfelt invitation to every Malaysian to participate in crafting a remarkable artwork for Hari Malaysia. This collaborative effort will take centre stage in the country’s grandest crowdsourced Malaysia Day advertisement.
Embracing the spirit of unity and echoing this year’s theme, “Malaysia Madani: Tekad Perpaduan, Penuhi Harapan” (Civilized Malaysia: A Pledge for Unity, Fulfilling Hopes), CelcomDigi aspires to unite Malaysians through an extraordinary piece of art. This artwork will vividly portray our nation’s rich tapestry of cultures, celebrating the diversity that defines us.
Malaysia holds unique significance for each of its citizens, and this initiative provides an ideal platform for Malaysians to express their love for their country and their pride in being Malaysian.

How Can You Contribute to #CelcomDigiHariMalaysia?
Step 1: Let your creativity flow and capture a photograph that encapsulates the Malaysia you hold dear.
Step 2: Share your photo on your Instagram feed with the hashtag #CelcomDigiHariMalaysia.
Step 3: Ensure that your profile is set to public so that your contribution can shine.
Photo submissions are being accepted from now until September 12, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Don’t hold back; you can submit as many photos as your heart desires. This is your golden opportunity to see your photos displayed on September 16, 2023, on over 60 digital out-of-home billboards, including Celcom Bluecube and Digi Stores throughout the nation!
Join CelcomDigi and fellow Malaysians in crafting a visual masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of our beloved nation. Let your photographs become part of Malaysia’s story this Hari Malaysia.