TOKYO, Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “NX China”), a group company of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., was designated one of the “Top 50 Chinese Logistics Companies for 2022,” the only Japanese company to be so honored, at the 15th National Modern Logistics Technology Innovation Conference jointly hosted by the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing and the Harbin Municipal People’s Government in Harbin, China, on August 24, 2022.
Logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202209136413-O1-SF5gJnet
Photo1: General Manager Tie Weihua, Business Support Division, NX China (second from right)
Photo2: Plaque
The “Top 50 Chinese Logistics Companies for 2022,” selected from among tens of thousands of Chinese and foreign logistics companies in China based on logistics revenue statistics from 2021, were announced at the National Modern Logistics Technology Innovation Conference, a major event held annually by the China Federation of Logistics & Purchasing since 2005. NX China’s inclusion among the Top 50 can be credited to such management benchmarks as sales, company size, growth potential and profitability.
The Nippon Express Group will continue helping customers develop their business activities by offering international transport services utilizing its global network and further expanding its logistics functions within China to realize the Long-term Vision set out in its Business Plan of becoming “a logistics company with a strong presence in the global market.”
Nippon Express website: https://www.nipponexpress.com/
Nippon Express Group’s official LinkedIn account: