Acer has been really busy in the recent past expanding its portfolio to become a more well-rounded tech and lifestyle company. In recent years, the company has already introduced the Predator Shot, an energy drink targeted at gamers, the Predator Gaming Chair, a collaborative effort with OSIM, and even a brand new brand – Acerpure. The company isn’t just stopping there though. It looks like they are expanding into the healthcare segment and it’s happening really soon.

In an interview session with the media, President of Acer Pan Asia Pacific Operations, Mr Andrew Hou, unwittingly revealed that the company would be exploring opportunities in healthcare in the near future. Upon further investigation, we found that Acer has already set up a new subsidiary, Acer Healthcare. The company is listed in the Tracxn database and is noted to be founded in 2019. Acer has also set up an official website for Acer Healthcare.

It looks like Acer is looking to leverage its prowess in dealing with data and technology to help bridge the closing gap between technology and medicine. Acer Healthcare seems to be looking into using AI-powered devices to help with diagnosis and patient monitoring. The field has been growing in the past few years with multiple startups and companies exploring opportunities and new technologies that can help better diagnose patients.
Acer Healthcare has already released a product called VeriSee DR, an AI-assisted solution for diagnosing Diabetic Retinopathy – a condition that affects close to 130 million people worldwide. Using Acer’s VeriSee DR, the condition can be diagnosed by utilising AI to analyse pictures of patients’ ocular fundus (the interior of the eye) for signs of diabetic retinopathy. According to their website, the technology works with a 95% sensitivity with 90% specificity for diagnosis. In fact, Acer Healthcare has ongoing clinical trials with the VeriSee DR and has published research on it in multiple medical journals.

In addition to VeriSee DR, it looks like Acer Healthcare is focusing on research and development of new diagnostic technologies using AI. Of note are a few currently listed research projects which include the diagnosis of heart arrhythmia using AI analysis of data collected from continual detection using an Acer Leap Ware wearable device and the diagnosis of renal impairment through retinal fundus imaging. While it does seem like the company’s focus is on diagnostic technologies they are also working on technologies for medical record and referrals as well.