How much do you pay for data? That is the question that you often do not ask yourself in this difficult period. It is also something we take for granted these days. In fact, we have taken this for granted for a while. You never really thought about it also because Malaysia’s major Telco players have not made a huge step in terms of competitive pricing over data. That is, until now.
To be fair, when you talk about a major Telco for Malaysia, you would not start at YES 4G. You might not even consider this plucky organisation to be a major Telco in Malaysia. To blow your bubble a little bit, we can safely say that they are now a major Telco in Malaysia. They have one of the widest, if not the widest 4G network coverage in Malaysia. This includes Sabah and Sarawak, mind you.
Back to the price of data. If you do a little bit of research in and around the region of South East Asia, Malaysia’s data price point is not exactly the most affordable. You have players in Indonesia, and even Singapore that would offer data at much cheaper price points. Malaysia still has competitive pricing on data though, do not get us wrong.
It could be even more affordable though, and YES, with the Kasi Up plans, show that it is completely possible. They have introduced two new mobile data plans with Kasi Up, one Prepaid and one Postpaid. Both are, in our books, extremely attractive in value.
Kasi Up Prepaid

We start with the prepaid Kasi Up plan. The YES Kasi Up Prepaid 15 plan, they call it. As the numbers suggest, it will cost you MYR 15 for a 30-day validity. To be fair, that does not actually sound all that special. MYR 15 though buys you 10GB of data for that 30 days of validity though. This pricing is quite unheard of in Malaysia. Before this, YES’ most affordable data plan was MYR 30 for up to 10GB of data. Of course, for prepaid plans, calls are charged normally (MYR 0.09/call) on your valid airtime.
Kasi Up Postpaid

If you want to make calls for free though, you go for a YES Kasi Up Postpaid 49 plan. As the name suggests also, the plan will cost you MYR 49 a month. For just below MYR 50, you get 100GB of 4G data a month and free unlimited call time. This also means that your data effectively costs less than MYR 0.50 for every 1GB. What’s more, you get to have your bill free for the first 6 months if you sign up for a 24-month plan. This is also effectively the cheapest data plan available in Malaysia currently.
Additional Plans
Of course, the YES Kasi Up mobile plans are not limited to just those two plans. For prepaid customers, you can choose between three available plans. You know the YES Kasi Up Prepaid 15 data plan. There is a YES Kasi Up Prepaid 20 plan too for MYR 20 a month. You get 20GB of data a month for MYR 20. Then you can go for YES Kasi Up Prepaid Unlimited for MYR 30 month which qualifies you for unlimited mobile data capped at 7mbps and 9GB of uncapped speed hotspot data. This also makes the YES Prepaid Unlimited data plan the most affordable of its kind in Malaysia.
For Postpaid customers, the YES Kasi Up Postpaid 49 data plan is the most premium available from YES. You can go for something cheaper at MYR 30 for the YES Kasi Up Postpaid 30. You only get a data quota of 20GB a month though, on top of a free YES 4G smartphone.
Kasi Up Refer & Earn

YES also introduced a new way of earning a little bit of side income for Malaysians with YES Kasi Up Refer & Earn programme. You get up to MYR 50 cash for every referral you make when you get your friends to sign up for the YES Kasi Up data plan. Your friend also makes MYR 50, if they sign up. It really looks like a win-win situation.
There is some caveat in all this though. YES relies completely on their own 4G network with no 3G or 2G coverage. That also means that if you do lose your 4G coverage, you lose coverage. YES has continuously worked to improve network coverage in all major cities in Malaysia and even rural areas in Malaysia, enabling connectivity across the nation though. The introduction of the Kasi Up data plans will also bring an end to all their previous data plans. Current users would be transitioned to their new Kasi Up plan. Why would you not want to be transitioned to a cheaper plan?
The YES Kasi Up data plan is now available for both new and current customers. You can head to your nearest YES outlet to get more information, obtain your SIM card, and sign up for either the postpaid or prepaid plans. You can also head to their website for more information and to obtain their SIM cards and get it delivered to your doorstep for free. Of course, all terms and conditions apply.