Using your mobile phone these days means that you are constantly connected. Services like Whatsapp, Telegram, e-mail, and all the known social media apps require you to use data even in the background, even when your device is turned off. In that case, there is always the problem of choosing between two types of plans that fit you the best.
You might need huge amount of data. There could be a number of reasons; you rely solely on your smartphone for data and internet, your work requires you to travel around plenty and therefore you rely plenty on your data plan for internet. You are most likely going for data plans that will give you unlimited data but at a capped speed.

Then there are those that need the speed. You might already have a fixed internet plan that you use at home. You want high speed data in occasions. To that, you have to trade off on quota. This is what Celcom calls the Lightning Internet Speed, you get full 4G LTE+ speeds all the time but you can only have them to a limited amount.
With a single MEGA plan, you can simply choose what you want for what you need. For as little as MYR 80 every month you are going to get up to 30GB of high speed data. With that also you get unlimited phone calls to any network. Pretty good?
For an additional MYR 18/month you can choose between an additional 10GB of data or unlimited M pass. That is unlimited data at capped speeds (5Mbps). If you need high-speed internet (Unlimited L up to 15Mbps), you can opt to spend a little bit more at an additional MYR 69/month. (Hotspot limited to 5GB and 10GB respectively every month)
For Lightning Mobile Internet Speed you start from MYR 80/month at 30GB cap, as per mentioned earlier. For an additional MYR 18 you can get MEGA M for an additional 10GB in your plan. For an additional MYR 68/month you get an additional 30GB of data. If you are that hungry for data, pay an extra MYR 108/month for MEGA XL plan and get up to 100GB of data every month (additional 70GB).
For the MEGA M, MEGA L, MEGA XL plans, there is a few additional features that you might like as well. If you have unused data in that month, you can trade-in your data for cashbacks. For now (two months promotion period), you get MYR 5 for 10GB of data you trade in credited to your Boost e-wallet. Nothing more, nothing less though.

When you travel to one of the listed 12 countries, you get to use your own data plan as well, or whatever that is left in it within your plan, instead of getting an additional data plan just for roaming. You have to pay MYR 38/day though to use your data. If you are on the MYR 188/month (MYR 80 + MYR 108 MEGA XL) plan though, its free. Data is precious? Pay a little extra for Celcom’s Ultra Hour Passes. You can even add on Celcom’s Unlimited Social Media plan.
The best part about the Celcom MEGA plan is its flexibility. As long as you are not getting a device with your MEGA plan, you can pick and choose the plans every month. You can choose between the five plans and change every month depending on your needs. You get to add up to 3 sub lines or Family lines if you want. For each additional line you pay MYR 40 for 15GB of data each line. For an additional MYR 5/month you can share your MEGA M, MEGA L, MEGA XL data pool with your family members.
Of course, like any other postpaid plan you can choose to buy devices from Celcom with the plan as well. If you pick up Celcom’s MEGA XL plan at MYR 188/month you can choose to get a smartphone for free from Celcom’s pool of premium devices. Users who are on Celcom First plan can opt into the MEGA Plan via Celcom’s BlueCube centers or a simple phone call. Subscribers of MEGA plans can change their monthly plans simply via logging into Celcom’s Android or iOS Celcom Life app and a few clicks. More info can be found on their website.