Tag Archives: Video Editing

Generative AI Coming to YouTube Creator Tools

YouTube has revealed a bevvy of features and a new app that is being introduced to simplify the process for creators. However, the new features and apps are not just focused on simplifying but also assisting creators when it comes to ideation and even getting the most from their analytics.

Dream Screen for Shorts

YouTube Shorts has become a stronghold for viewership and engagement since its introduction in 2020. The spontaneous ideas and artistic takes on content have grown to over 70 billion daily views with more than 2 billion monthly active users. To elevate this creative ecosystem, YouTube is introducing some game-changing tools.

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One such tool is the experimental “Dream Screen,” set to debut later this year. Dream Screen leverages AI to allow creators to conjure video or image backgrounds simply by typing a concept into a prompt. Fancy filming in outer space, wandering through an enchanted forest, or envisioning your pug driving you to school? Dream Screen can bring these imaginative settings to life, limited only by the creator’s imagination.

AI-Powered Insights and Beyond

Video creation involves much more than just editing and production. However, the data-heavy side of content creation needs far more time than creators can allocate to it. So, they are harnessing AI to offer creators more efficient tools for generating ideas and reaching broader audiences.

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  • AI-Powered Insights: YouTube Studio will soon leverage generative AI to spark video ideas and draft outlines, helping creators brainstorm content that resonates with their audience.
  • Assistive Search in Creator Music: Finding the perfect soundtrack for your video will become effortless with assistive search in Creator Music. Simply describe your content, and AI will suggest suitable music options.
  • Automatic Dubbing with Aloud: To expand their audience reach globally, creators often need to dub their content into multiple languages. YouTube introduces “Aloud,” an AI-powered dubbing tool designed to help creators bridge language barriers and connect with diverse audiences.
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In addition to these AI-powered features, YouTube is launching the YouTube Create app. The app is currently in beta for Android users in select markets. This app offers a range of video editing tools and access to a library of royalty-free music. It aims to simplify video production, enabling creators to focus on their creative vision.

YouTube Create Here to Simplify Content Creation

Google has introduced a potentially game-changing tool for budding creators – the YouTube Create app. This week, Google unveiled the beta version of YouTube Create, an Android app aimed at simplifying and enhancing the video editing and production process. While it’s still in its beta phase, this app is generating significant interest and is currently available for Android users in select markets.

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YouTube Create boasts a range of features designed to make video editing more accessible and efficient. Of note are features like automatic captioning, which can help creators make more accessible content by taking over the time-consuming task of manually adding captions to videos. Another feature of the app – voiceover – allows creators to add professional-grade narration to their videos easily. The app also provides access to a vast library of royalty-free music, addressing copyright concerns that content creators often encounter. Additionally, it offers a variety of effects and video transitions to help enhance the visual appeal of videos.

YouTube Create is part of a broader AI-driven initiative by YouTube. Beyond the editing app, YouTube is working on several AI-powered features set to impact content creation. One of these features is the Dream Screen, which allows users to generate AI-driven video or image backgrounds for their Shorts. This feature, expected to roll out later this year, could significantly impact content creation.

NEW: YouTube Create App

YouTube is also planning to introduce AI-generated insights and outline drafting next year. The new AI-generated insights aim to streamline the content creation process and provide creators with valuable insights and assistance. Furthermore, an AI-powered dubbing tool is in development, although details about its release are still unknown.

The app is available on the Play Store for those eager to explore YouTube Create. However, it’s important to note that it’s currently only available in specific regions.

Your Chromebook Can Be Your Video Workstation Now with Google Photos

We have proven that Chromebooks can be a versatile mobile workstation that is also budget friendly. Google’s Chrome OS is a genuine viable choice if you are looking for a new laptop for both work and entertainment, at least to a certain extent. While it proved to be a powerful tool for internet browsing, document processing, presentation creation, basic data crunching, movie watching, and music listening to a certain extent, it is not something you want to use if you need to get videos or photos out quickly. You might prefer to get a more powerful Windows PC for that, alongside the many software suites available on the platform. With the latest Google Photos update though, your Chromebook might now be a viable option for a quick video edit.

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Source: Google

Google announced a new Google Photos update for Chromebooks as of last month. It is a significant update for the app on Chromebook. It allows users to use the app to edit videos on the Chromebook via the Google Photos app. The video editing tool on Google Photos app on Chromebooks is also designed to be as simple to use as possible. That announced feature is now available on the latest update to the Google Photos app on Chromebooks.

If you are new to video editing, the Photos app’s movie tool should be an easy enough tool to work with even for amateurs. The tool offers suggestions on the themes you can use for your own movies. Once selected, alongside the clips you select for the video, the app will cleverly put them together to create a custom movie in just a few taps. The app can even pick out the most interesting and meaningful moments in your clips to include in the video and cut out the rest to make it even easier and quicker to get your videos out.

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Source: Google

If you are more used to picking out your own clips, and have a more hands-on approach to your videos, the app also allows you to select your own videos, arrange them, and put them together on your own. You do get the versatility and browsing power of the Google Photos app for you to quickly surf through and pick the right clips for your video. You also get to use copyright free music selected from the built-in music library. Of course, if you prefer to insert your own music, you can too.

You can try out the Google Photos movie editor yourself if you have a Chromebook. As mentioned, you just have to update the Google Photos app to its latest version via the Google Play Store on your Chrome OS. Once you updated your app, you simply access the function via the app. More on the new feature on Google’s Photos App on the Chrome OS can be found on their blog announcement.

Manage Your Video Workflow Better with ‘Productions’ in Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is quickly becoming one of the most popular video editing tools among professionals. If you stay for the credits in movies, you’ll realise that a growing number of them have Adobe’s logo in the credits. As such, the demands on Premiere Pro and its features are slowly evolving to adapt to an ever changing workplace with an increased amount of collaboration.

“Productions” was designed in collaboration with some of the largest producers and editors in Hollywood. The feature was tested on recent films such as “Terminator: Dark Fate” and “Dolemite is My Name” with special builds being used in ongoing projects.

The new “Productions” feature in Adobe Premiere Pro allows users to arrange and organise large projects into smaller, bite sized chunks. With these chunks as guides, video editors and videographers are able to divide and upload footage and assets to Adobe Creative Cloud and Premiere Pro in a more organised way. They will be able to create folders within their project files which will sync seamlessly between team members and also allow team members to download updated assets and files to work offline. It will continue to sync once the person goes online.

Productions: Coming Soon to Premiere Pro | Adobe Creative Cloud

The more flexible collaborative and management features on “Productions” allow assets and video footage for large productions to be segregated into smaller portions. It also allows larger episodic productions to be organised according to episodes or even more granular divisions. It also allows reused assets to be shared or duplicated across folders seamlessly. You can easily add to project workflows by adding projects to the “Productions” panel within Adobe Premiere Pro. This will then add the project to the larger workflow.

Project locking in “Productions” allows editors to lock their active project. This will prevent collaborators from overwriting or deleting work files or the project. However, it still allows collaborators to seamlessly copy and import assets from the active workflow to their own. Project settings are also synchronised between project files in “Productions”. This allows collaborators to previews rendered by a single editor can be made available to all the editors for smooth playback.

The feature is coming to Adobe Premiere Pro soonon both MacOS and Windows. However, Adobe has not provided an exact date just yet.