Tag Archives: self-cleaning

Roborock Releases the Self-Cleaning G10 

Robot vacuum cleaners are the best thing that happened to humanity after the broom, mop, and regular vacuum cleaners. Why? While it is not 100%, robot vacuum cleaners save you a lot of cleaning time in your house. Sure, you might need to use a supplementary handheld vacuum cleaner to ensure that you can clean the nooks and crannies in your home. If you are not too particular, modern robot vacuum cleaners does at least 85% of the job well enough. They can even mop your floor at the same time, saving you even more time. 

There is a small problem here though. The robot vacuums are rather tiny in most cases, which also limits its waste tank capacity. If you have a mop function, the water tank would have to be rather small, and it takes up even more tank capacity, making the waste tank even smaller. While it does save some cleaning time, you would have to empty and refill the tank rather regularly. There is also the problem of cleaning the vacuum cleaner itself. Not with Roborock’s latest creation though. 

Source: Roborock

They call it the G10, and it will set you back MYR 3,999. It is also one of the most sophisticated, if not the most, in the vacuum cleaning market. Yes, it comes with a rather tall dock for not just emptying its waste tank, it also cleans the robot’s mop if you want it to.  

We start with the robot unit first though. It is Roborock’s most powerful robot vacuum cleaner to date. It features 2,500 Pa of suction to ensure that all sorts of dirt and debris gets lifted, even in carpets. They have also upgraded the main brush to hug the floor better to ensure that whatever dirt that might get stuck on the floor gets unstuck too.  

The mop function has been updated too. It is now what Roborock calls Sonic Moppping that vibrates the mop at up to 3,000 times a minute to ensure that even the most stubborn of dirt gets wiped cleanly off the floor. The Ultrasonic sensor on the unit ensures that the robot recognises carpets more accurately in mopping mode to avoid wetting the carpets. To prevent hair from tangling within the brushes, it is fitted with Roborock’s rubber brushes that is also more durable than regular brushes.

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Of course, it is a smart little gadget you can control with your smartphone, as expected. It packs Roborock’s rather proven 3D mapping technology that recognises your room and maps it out. This allows rooms to be cleaned more efficiently and effectively. You can now also add furniture and floor material information to create a more accurate map of your house. That way also the robot can also cleverly determine its own cleaning functions according to floor types and furniture placements.  

Then there is its dock that also cleans the Roborock G10. Roborock designed the dock ramp to automatically clean its brushes of course. The dock also houses a larger tank that allows the robot to ultimately empty its own tank and reduces the need for you to keep maintaining the robot vacuum cleaner itself. At the same time, the dock has a cleaning module made to specifically clean the mop module of the G10. There is a brush that rotates at 600 rpm to completely clean the mop off dirty water, keeping the mop clean and ready to go for its next round of cleaning session. There is also a large water tank in the dock to ensure that your robot G10 is filled with clean water for its next mop.  

The Roborock G10 is now available for pre-order. It retails at MYR 3,999 and you can get it from its official store exclusively on Shopee. For more information on the Roborock G10, you can head over to their website.