Tag Archives: Parental Controls

5 Ways You Can Curate Netflix for Your Kids with Enhanced Parental Controls

An increasing number of homes are beginning to cut the cord and depend more on streaming platforms such as Netflix for their everyday entertainment. It’s a trend that many streaming apps are reporting and it is, unsurprisingly, gaining momentum even in places like Malaysia. That said, with such a wide library of content now available at everyone’s finger tips, it can become a worrisome affair for parents.


Netflix has, over the years, introduced steps and features to help parents stay on the ball. One of the first features borne out of the need to guard against children accessing mature content is the now staple profiles.

Setting up a specific profile for the kids in the family allowed parents to keep an eye on the content being consumed. In fact, parents can ensure that only child-friendly content appears in their kids’ profile. Creating a profile on Netflix will make sure that settings, preferences and recommended shows are individualized. In this case, it would also keep more mature shows out of your kids’ profile.

2. Cu-RATE it

Creating a profile is just the first step. You also need to setup age limitations when it comes to the profile. Netflix has made this a little easier with the “Allowed TV shows and movies” option when you set up a profile.

However, limiting your kids’ access based on general ratings may not be enough. I mean, Netflix can only filter so much. So, jump into the profile and get curating! Remove shows you feel are not suitable for your child and Netflix will begin to learn the boundaries you’re setting for your kid.

3. PIN It Up

We all know how kids are, they’re curious and they always want to test boundaries. The best way to enforce boundaries is to set them. There’s no better way in the Netflix app than by setting up PINs. Similar to your bank account, the PIN will block unwanted access to your account – in this case, your kids.

The little explorers will hit a wall asking for the PIN should they find themselves any other profile on the app. So, you can rest at ease while you’re attending to chores and work.

4. Re-VIEW it

If you’re still a tad bit uneasy with what your kids have been watching, you don’t have to worry. Netflix has introduced a “viewing activity” section for profiles. Using this option, you’ll be able to see keep an eye on what your child has been watching. You can then go back and remove any shows that you feel are inappropriate from the list.

5. Play Next Episode? No Thank You!

We all know Netflix has a tendency to encourage binge watching shows. However, we know that too much screen time is no good for the kids – even Netflix. So, they’ve introduced an option to turn off the “Play Next Episode” option on profiles. In fact, they’ve even introduced a feature to turn off previews from playing after the show.

So, you can literally tell your kids, “This is the last one” and rest easy knowing that Netflix isn’t going to play the next episode.

Some of the steps in the list feature enhanced parental control features which have recently made their way to the Netflix app. However, a majority of them have been there since Netflix’s humble beginnings. Keep an eye out for more tips and tricks as the company rolls out more features.