Tag Archives: Fold2

24 Hours with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2

Samsung’s big launch of the second half of 2020 came with a big announcement too. It came with the big announcement of their follow up to their very innovative 2019 product, the Samsung Galaxy Fold. They now call it the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2, basically to align the device to the newly introduced Samsung Galaxy Z series line-up with the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip.

First Look at the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is a completely different beast though. It is not a nostalgic keepsake that is bringing back a very popular smartphone design language that is the flip mobile phone. It is not technically new in its form factor too. Well, technically because it is a successor to the 2019 Samsung Galaxy Fold.

This is not just a mere minor product update from the older foldable device though. This looks like a complete overhaul of the device. This feels more like a major evolution, rather than an improvement.

Picking up the Z Fold2

The evolution is apparent from the moment you pick up the device from the box. It feels untypically heavy. Untypical, because you are used to the near weightless feel from Samsung’s vast portfolio of flagship smartphones.

The first touch feels solid, robust; more so than the old Samsung Galaxy Fold. It feels like a product you can properly chuck in your bag when you need to. It feels complete, unlike the ‘prototype’ that was the Samsung Galaxy Fold. It feels substantial, cold, durable.

The first fold did not feel like a mechanism breaking maneuver. That first fold motion does not feel like you are breaking the ‘Glastic’ in to prepare it for even more folds that the display is going to do in its lifetime. The first fold feels tight and satisfying too, nothing fearful or doubtful.

We love the Mystic Bronze colour option. Somehow, the black does not accentuate the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2’s design characteristics enough. Somehow, the Mystic Bronze highlights the odd glossy chromed lining that runs down the center of the device at the back (opened). It accentuates the proportions of the device and somehow frames it beautifully.

The brushed aluminium on the sides adds a contrast to the whole body. It adds some needed texture for better grip, of course. But its contrasting finish also hides the size, or thickness of its body, especially when its folded in. No 3.5mm jack in sight; just dual speakers, USB Type-C, mic ports, rocker and power buttons, and a SIM tray on the sides.

Fold the device and the center line splits to reveal a very pretty, very classy looking chromed housing for the folding mechanism. It closes with a satisfying thud. You know the inner display is protected by a screen protector and a raised bezel with a recessed panel. There are also some little plastic nubs to prevent the sides to completely crash into each other.

Then you unfold it, because you want to set it up for the first time. The back is now a split of a proper glass back and glass protected front secondary display. It feels weird to say that the display on the outside, that is supposed to be tougher and more protected than the inner display is a secondary display here. It is what it is though, with the device opened and spread out to its full glory, the back is made up for the secondary display under a glossed up glass, and the Mystic Bronze matte finish of the main back plate only disturbed by a protruding camera module.

That bulge is quite disturbing on a flat surface though. The device also does not come with a case out-of-the-box for the device, so you might want to consider getting an OEM case for the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2. Go for something good, you have spent a good deal of money to get your hands on the device, do not cheap out on the case.

Then you turn it on to set it up for the first time, you rely on its inner display, of course. While it is the same set-up process that comes with any other Samsung device, you feel like you are looking at a completely new set-up experience. Part of that is due to the fact that Samsung bombards you with the ‘dos and do nots’ of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2. But most of it is because you are looking at a much larger display than usual. Not quite tablet display, but not quite smartphone as well.

Everything is the same as when you set up your Samsung for the first time though. We have the benefit of having an older Samsung smartphone to switch from, so Samsung Smart Switch is the way to go. You can get Samsung Smart Switch to work on other devices to, for you to transfer the data from those older devices to a Samsung device.

Larger Than Life

I personally remembered mentioning that the Samsung Galaxy Note series was ‘larger than life’. That was because the Samsung Galaxy Note series, at the time, boasts displays bigger than most smartphones features. The display on a Samsung Galaxy Note series, at that time, borders that of a tablet. Hence the word ‘phablet’ was used to describe the older generation Samsung Galaxy Note devices.

The main display on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is even bigger than the Samsung Galaxy Note series though. Unfolded, the screen measures 7.6-inch. It is not a mere Full HD+ screen too. It is a high-resolution 2,208 by 1,768 pixels of Dynamic AMOLED 2X goodness. The other display is still quite large at 6.2-inch but only features Super AMOLED and 2,280 by 816 pixels, in the region of HD+ territory.

There is nothing to complain about up front though, it is a much bigger and much more functional screen than before. The only issue I have with it is how narrow it is. While I have smaller hands and thinner fingers, typing on the narrower display is still quite a nightmare. We can talk about that a little later though. We focus on the bigger picture now, the inside flexible display.

Flexible display is not necessarily a new technology. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2, in fact, features the same type of flexible display that the Samsung Galaxy Fold had. The improved the panel and its working tremendously though. The mechanism feels more solid, looks more substantial, and more industrial. There are no more gaps between panels, as they have harshly learnt from their past product. The mechanism is closer to the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip than the older Galaxy Fold, to be fair.

The nice thing is that Samsung managed to retain the almost bezel free look that most devices feature today but still have enough bezel to raise a protective barrier for the highly sensitive display. They also managed to fit a punch hole camera instead oof that awkwardly placed notch on the older device. The drawback is that there is only one front-facing camera here instead of two. It is an overall improvement though with less wasted screen real estate.

While the display is that large, videos can hardly take full advantage because of the oddly proportioned display. In the case of YouTube, where you can view the videos either in horizontal or vertical mode, it feels like there is nearly no difference in viewing videos in both forms. Of course, when you put the videos in full horizontal mode, you get an inch more than you get on the normal vertical viewing layout. You hardly notice though, because there are such big black bars on top and bottom of the display.

If you want to watch your videos without holding the device at an angle, you do not need a kickstand. Simply fold the Galaxy Z Fold2 a little bit to create a natural stand. But your YouTube video will shrink to fill one half of the display. Netflix and Amazon Prime Video does not have this feature.

Flipping the device like that also gives us the ability to type messages horizontally with more keyboard space. Samsung’s default keyboard layout when the device is open is a split key mechanism that we actually like very much. We think that it makes sense so that you do not have to reach too far into the middle of the device when typing horizontally. It sort of protects the tender middle of the display in vertical typing mode. Keep in mind though that typing horizontally on Whatsapp will not allow you to see the chat window, that works on Telegram and almost any other app though.

One thing you want to keep in mind if you want to keep your device angled is that the device is back heavy. That also means that your device will tend to rest on the camera side. In this case, if you did not get a case for your Galaxy Z Fold2, the left side of the device will be slightly raised.

Large, but Compact

The large screen folds away to a smaller 6.2-inch display as we mentioned earlier. Technically you get about half the display real estate compared to what is tucked away inside. You get an ultra-narrow workspace and home screen up front. What is nice about this layout is that you can have a completely different home screen on your secondary display compared to what you have on your main display.

You can set up the front display to be a quick access page to things you want to quickly access like calls, messaging, WhatsApp maybe, camera app, or clock. Whatever tickles your fancy can be on that home screen, just like a normal Android home screen. You just have to keep in mind that the display is narrower than even the modern regular small smartphone.

That also means that your keyboard layout is massively compressed and extra small. As mentioned, I had a lot of trouble typing on the front display quickly and accurately. There will always be some sort of typo in every word that I type because the display is so small. Of course, flipping it horizontally helps with typing, but the keyboard will take up at least half the screen at that point. The horizontal layout mimics the keyboard layout when you open to the main display though, which is nice.

The front display though is quite perfect for single handed use, especially when you are out and about. The size of the device in its folded form fits perfectly in your pockets. It is a little on the thick side, we admit, but it still does fit nicely in the pockets, which is all we ask for.

You do not have to watch your YouTube or Netflix videos on the inner display, as it turns out. The secondary display works just fine with all sorts of videos. You get the benefit of making the back plate a stand and just angle the display a little bit for a more comfortable viewing angle on the desk.

We do not think that the secondary display would be as useful or as regularly used as the main display at home just because it is so much smaller and so much more difficult to type on. You will have to keep the device folded to answer calls though. The only earpiece of the device is sitting on top of the secondary display. Imagine if the earpiece was placed on the inside as well.

There is no transition that we can find from the inner display to the outside display though. As far as we know the display locks when you close the display. Which also means you have to turn on the device again if you want to purely use the front display.

4,500mAh Battery – That Cannot Possibly be Enough

When we first heard that the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 comes with a 4,500mAh battery, we started getting concerned on its battery consumption. Remember you are powering two displays and up to five cameras. How the same battery pack you find on a Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra going to help you keep the device running the entire day?

We cannot comment too much here though, we need more time to do a proper review of its battery life. We can report to you that 4,500mAh could be just enough to keep you running from morning to at least after work. Not on your first day with the device though.

Your first set up will take some time if you use Samsung’s Smart Switch. You want to wait for everything to be transferred and installed properly. That is going to take some battery life already unless you leave it plugged in. The next thing you will do is start downloading all the other apps that has not yet been installed already. You are going to start setting up your Google apps, check if your emails are coming in properly, see if all your necessary accounts like Netflix, Prime Video, and such are signed in and working.

There are going to be apps that are not transferred from the older device and you might want to go through Google’s Play Store to install them. Because the display is now much bigger, you might want to play new games on it too. You are going to be on your device for the whole day just to see what its like to do everything.

That is the thing though. If you rely on your battery, you are going to run out of battery by the end of your lunch hour. Thankfully charging is relatively quick, though I do feel that it should be a little faster. Still, getting it from nothing to full in less than 2 hours is not bad at all. You can at least keep it plugged in at work.

24 Hours with the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 – We Are Not Sure Just yet

This is a piece of kit that we find cool, to be honest. It is unique, innovative, and it feels like a proper Samsung product; a quality product. At the same time though it costs MYR 7,999. That also means that it could be gimmicky, and obnoxious as a product. If you do buy one, you are making a statement too.

To be fair, we do see potential of this type of form factor in the competitive world of the smartphone industry. We do think that this sort of device has a place somewhere in the world if Samsung keeps at it and probably add S Pen functionality to it. The stylus is a little bit much to ask at this point of time, I know. Technology has not caught up to that request just yet, we understand.

The thing is though, we do not know if we would tell anyone to buy this device. What is wrong with a Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra? What is wrong with an Apple iPhone, for that matter? It is a novelty though, this piece. It is an exquisite piece of engineering we cannot find anywhere, and that is important to keep in mind as we review the device.

We have not explored its capabilities and functions fully just yet. We are just peeling off that first layer of fascination you always have when you get a new smartphone or gadget. Would we change our minds completely on this device? Stay tuned to our review. 

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is Available in Malaysia 25th September 2020 onward for MYR 7,999!

If you look back into 2019, the Samsung foldable smartphone series was born. It started with the Samsung Galaxy Fold that made it into Malaysia eventually. Then the blue South Korean giant brought the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, a smaller, pocket friendlier foldable smartphone boasting the same mechanism.

Of course, foldable smartphones are going to be a thing. Samsung set the stage for the most anticipated device to come out of 2020 this year too with their recent Unpacked event. Unfortunately, they had to follow up with another Unpacked 2020 event just for the sake of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2.

Weirdly, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is only the second device in Samsung’s Galaxy Z series. The first Samsung Galaxy foldable was simply known as the Fold. To be fair though, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G is still utilising the same sort of butterfly folding mechanism and is based off the same concept with the Samsung Galaxy Fold, hence Fold2.

If you have missed our international coverage of the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G though, you can head there for more technical information on the highly anticipated device. To recap though, the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is one powerful device with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ System on a Chip (SoC). To really take advantage of all that power, the device comes packing 12GB or RAM and 512GB in memory.

It has 4,500mAh in battery capacity, which should be just about enough for a whole day of use. You have to remember that it has a 7.6-inch tablet sized display inside. The 7.6-inch display can also take full advantage of the powerful SoC and ample RAM size with multiple app windows (up to 3 apps) running at the same time. Close it up though and you get a more compact and sensible 6.2-inch display.

You can use it a variety of positions though with the new Flex mode you first see in the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip. With the larger display on the Z Fold2 though, there is plenty more flexibility and possibility in terms of application and usage.

Out the back are three 12-Megapixel sensors to shooting out of Ultra-Wide angle, Wide angle, and Telephoto lenses. There are two more cameras to be found on the device though; two 10-Megapixel cameras placed on top of the two useable displays on the device. In that sense, this is no slouch either in the camera department.

Price and Availability

Now, for the availability. The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 is available in Malaysia 25th September 2020 onward, as per the title. It will be priced at MYR 7,999, just a little bit more than the international pricing (United Stated price, to be precise). The second-generation foldable flagship from Samsung comes in either Mystic Black or Mystic Bronze.

Of course, as with any other Samsung product, it is available for pre-order. Pre-order starts from the 11th September 2020 onward. If you can fork out MYR 7,999 in the pre-order period, you get a free Samsung Galaxy Buds Live and a Mont Blanc leather card holder with your purchase. You would want the Samsung Galaxy Buds Live, because there is no 3.5mm AUX jack on the device. For more information on the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2, you can check out their website.

Samsung Unfolds the Next Generation of Foldables with the Galaxy Z Fold2

Samsung’s approach to mobile seems to be changing with the company putting more emphasis on their foldable smartphones. The company zoomed in to their new Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 during their Unpacked Part 2 event. The new foldable is possibly a start of a new era of flagships from Samsung.

The new Galaxy Z Fold2 builds on the DNA of the original Galaxy Fold which was released last year. It’s also a clear indication that Samsung has been listening to its users as one of the main gripes of the original Fold has been improved. The new Galaxy Z Fold2 comes with a larger 6.2-inch HD+ Super AMOLED Display with a 25:9 aspect ratio. Of course, this isn’t the main screen of the foldable, the main display is a 7.6-inch QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X display with a 22.5:18 aspect ratio. The displays have pixel densities of 386ppi and 373ppi respectively.

On the inside, the Galaxy Z Fold2 is running on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+ octacore processor with 12GB RAM. This is complemented by either 256GB or 512GB of internal storage with no support for micro SD cards. The 512GB version of the Fold2 will only be available in selected markets. Similar to the original, the Fold2 is powered by a 4,500mAh dual battery. The dual battery architecture basically splits the battery pack into two smaller units which work in tandem to provide the overall battery capacity.

When it comes to cameras, the Galaxy Z Fold2 isn’t as over the top as it’s predecessor; instead it comes with a total of five cameras – three on the back, a single selfie camera inside, and a single selfie camera on the front. The main camera on the back is a triple camera array consisting of a 12-megapixel ultra-wide sensor, a 12-megapixel wide sensor and a 12-megapixel telephoto sensor. On the selfie front, both the cover and the front facing cameras are a single 10-megapixel sensor.

The Fold2 will be coming with all the usual bells and whistles you’d expect from a Samsung flagship including Samsung Pay compatibility, Fingerprint authentication, stereo speakers and Samsung’s Knox protection.

Pricing & Availability

The Galaxy Z Fold2 will be available in Mystic Black and Mystic Bronze. It will also have customisations for the hideaway hinge in select markets. Users in these markets will be able to select from Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver hinges.

The Galaxy Z Fold2 will cost USD$1,799 (MYR7,458.87). No release date has been announced just yet.


Together with the Fold2, a special Thom Browne edition of the Galaxy Z Fold2 will be available. This special, limited edition will only have 5,000 units made and will be costing USD$3,299(MYR13,679.72).

Official Specifications

DisplayMain Screen* – 7.6” QXGA+ Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display (22.5:18) Infinity Flex Display (2208 x 1768), 373ppi

Cover Screen** – 6.2” HD+ Super AMOLED Display (25:9), 2260 x 816, 386ppi

*Main Screen: Screen measured diagonally as a full rectangle without accounting for the rounded corners. Actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners.     
**Cover Screen: Screen measured diagonally as a full rectangle without accounting for the rounded corners. Actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners.
Dimension & WeightFolded:
68.0 x 159.2 x 16.8mm (Hinge) ~ 13.8mm(Sagging), 282g
128.2 x 159.2 x 6.9mm(Frame) ~ 6.0mm(Screen) , 282g
Cover Camera10MP Selfie Camera : F2.2, Pixel size: 1.22μm, FOV: 80˚
Front Camera10MP Selfie Camera: F2.2, Pixel size: 1.22μm, FOV: 80˚
Rear Triple Camera12MP Ultra Wide Camera : F2.2 ,Pixel size: 1.12μm, FOV : 123˚ 12MP Wide-angle Camera : Super Speed Dual Pixel AF, OIS, F1.8, Pixel size: 1.8μm, FOV: 83˚
12MP Telephoto Camera : PDAF, F2.4, OIS, Pixel size: 1.0μm, FOV: 45˚
Dual OIS, 0.5x out and 2x in optical zoom, Up to 10x digital zoom, HDR10+ recording, Tracking AF
AP7㎚ 64-bit Octa-Core Processor (3.09㎓ + 2.40㎓ + 1.80㎓)
Memory12GB RAM with 512GB internal storage (UFS3.1)*
12GB RAM with 256GB internal storage (UFS3.1)**
*512GB internal storage is only available in select markets including mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Actual storage availability may depend on pre-installed software
**Actual storage availability may depend on pre-installed software
Battery4500mAh (typical) dual battery*
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 4365mAh. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
ChargingFast Charging compatible on wired and wireless*
Wireless PowerShare**
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC, Wireless charging compatible with WPC and PMA
**Wireless PowerShare is limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with WPC Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy Z Fold2, Galaxy Note20, Galaxy Note20 Ultra Galaxy S20, S20+, S20 Ultra, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy Note10, Note10+, Galaxy S10e, S10, S10+ S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE, Note5, and wearables such as Galaxy Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch, and Galaxy Buds. May not work with certain accessories, covers, or other brand devices. May affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OSAndroid 10
Network[LTE]*: Enhanced 4X4 MIMO, 7CA, LAA, LTE Cat.20
– Up to 2Gbps Download / Up to 200Mbps Upload [5G]**: Non-Standalone (NSA), Standalone (SA), Sub6 / mmWave
*Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
**Requires optimal 5G connection. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
Connectivity[Wi-Fi] 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax HE80 MIMO, 1024QAM [Bluetooth]* Bluetooth® v 5.0 (LE up to 2Mbps), USB type-C, NFC, Location (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, BeiDou) [Ultra Wide Band]
 *Galileo and BeiDou coverage may be limited. BeiDou may not be available for certain countries.
SIM CardOne eSIM and one Nano SIM
*SIM card sold separately. Availability may vary depending on market and carrier.
*eSIM requires a wireless service plan and allows you activate a mobile network plan without the use of a nano SIM. eSIM availability may vary depending on software version, market and carrier. Check with your carrier if your mobile network plan supports eSIM.
Payment(Samsung Pay)Credit & debit cards: supports MST and/or NFC
Membership cards, Gift cards, Transit cards, Reward point service
*Available in select countries. Payment solutions and available features may vary depending on market, carrier, and service providers.
SensorsCapacitive Fingerprint sensor (side), Accelerometer, Barometer, Gyro sensor, Geomagnetic sensor, Hall sensor, Proximity sensor, Light sensor
AuthenticationLock type: pattern, PIN, password
Biometric lock type: Fingerprint sensor*, Face recognition
*Galaxy Z Fold2 has a Capacitive Fingerprint sensor on the side.
AudioStereo speakers Surround sound with Dolby Atmos technology (Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus included.)
UHQ 32-bit &DSD64/128 support*, PCM: Up to 32 bits, DSD: DSD64/128
Audio playback format : MP3, M4A, 3GA, AAC, OGG, OGA, WAV, WMA, AMR, AWB, FLAC, MID, MIDI, XMF, MXMF, IMY, RTTTL, RTX, OTA, APE, DSF, DFF *DSD64 and DSD128 playback can be limited depending on the file format.
VideoVideo playback format: MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, ASF, AVI, FLV, MKV, WEBM
TV connection: Wireless: Smart View (screen mirroring 1080p at 30fps) / Wired: supports DisplayPort over USB type-C. Supports video out when connecting via HDMI Adapter. (DisplayPort 4K UHD at 60 fps)
SecurityKnox protection: real-time monitoring and protection.
Virus, malware prevention. (Powered by McAfee)
Secure Folder: a secure space on the device to keep content such as apps, photos and videos, secured by fingerprint scanning.
*Virus and malware prevention solution providers may vary depending on market. Availability may vary by market and carrier.
Colors [Essential Color]
Mystic Black, Mystic Bronze
[Customization Hinge Color]* Metallic Silver, Metallic Gold, Metallic Red, Metallic Blue * Hideaway Hinge color customization will be available in 21 markets, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, UAE, United Kingdom, United States and Vietnam.
In the BoxGalaxy Z Fold2, Data Cable, Travel Adapter, Ejection Pin, Quick Start Guide, Earphones (USB Type-C) with sound by AKG, Galaxy Z Premier Service Leaflet, Brand Story Leaflet
*Actual components, including earphones, may not be available depending on the model you purchase or the market or region you live in. Package and cover color may vary depending on device color.