TM’s Copper Based Streamyx Broadband Ending in February 2025

TM announces the sunsetting of its copper based services including Streamyx and Unifi Lite.

CelcomDigi Brings Zero Downtime Connectivity to SMEs and MSMEs at Affordable Pricepoints

CelcomDigi is bolstering its Business offerings with products and services to ease digitization of SMEs and MSMEs with an always connected Fibre guarantee and more.

Malaysian Businesses Urged to Leverage High-Speed Connectivity & Modern Technologies to be More Competitive

Minister of Digital, YB Gobind Singh Deo, urges Malaysian businesses to leverage the country’s infrastructure to be more competitive.

10Gbps Fibre Internet Is Now Offered by ViewQwest in Malaysia

ViewQwest brings 10Gbps fibre connectivity to Malaysia hot off the heels of its Singaporean launch making the ISP the first to market for the general public.

CelcomDigi’s New Postpaid Plans Offer Converged 4G, 5G & Fibre Connectivity For as Low as RM260

CelcomDigi unveiled its new Postpaid 5G plans with streamlined offerings with 5G speeds starting from 100Mbps starting from RM80.

These are CelcomDigi’s New Home Fibre Pricing and Promotions

Save on home fibre broadband plans with CelcomDigi’s revised pricing and promotional offers. Check out CelcomDigi’s updated pricing from October 13, 2023!

Maxis Revamps Home & Business Fibre Offerings with Faster Speeds, More Affordable Prices

Maxis is stepping up its game in the broadband arena with the introduction of new Maxis Home Fibre and Maxis Business Fibre plans. The new plans offer improved speeds and value to its customers. Home Fibre customers can now enjoy…

CelcomDigi & Time Join Forces to Expand Home Fiber Broadband Access

CelcomDigi and Time dotCom have partnered to broaden home fibre broadband choices for Malaysians. Subscribers enjoy fast connections up to 1Gbps and easier installation processes.