Tag Archives: CSR

BEST Inc. Publishes 2022 ESG Report, Driving Green Logistics through Digitalization

HANGZHOU, China, May 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — BEST Inc. (NYSE: BEST) (“BEST” or the “Company”), a leading integrated smart supply chain solutions and logistics services provider in China and Southeast Asia, today released its “2022 ESG Report,” highlighting the company’s fulfillment of social responsibilities, global participation in social welfare initiatives, and promotion of green logistics through digitalization.

The report is divided into seven sections, showcasing BEST’s contributions to social welfare and green logistics. In 2022, it delivered goods to areas affected by the pandemic for free, reduced paper usage by 8.5 million A4 sheets annually through blockchain technology, and saved 70,000 liters of diesel by continuously replacing diesel forklifts with electric forklifts.

The Company also formed long-term strategic partnerships with over 100 colleges and universities, and participated in public welfare activities, such as helping underprivileged students and donating goods.

“Social support and trust are essential to corporate development,” said Johnny Chou, BEST Inc.’s Chairman and CEO. “As a logistics enterprise, BEST has always prioritized green practices, digitalization, and mutual benefit, in order to promote sustainable development and create greater value for our customers, employees, and society.”

BEST Inc. generated RMB 7.74 billion in total revenue in 2022, with service in eight countries. The Company achieved full coverage of its express network in four Southeast Asian countries and was listed in the “Top 500 Private Enterprises in China” in 2022.

For the full BEST Inc. ESG 2022 report, please visit:

Source: BEST Inc.

WuKong Education Joins Asian American Authors to Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month by Matching Book Donations to US K-12 Schools

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., May 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — WuKong Education, a leading online education technology company with over 300,000 students worldwide, joins four Asian American authors to donate 1,500+ books to 100 US K-12 schools during Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. As WuKong Education marks its seventh anniversary, the brand launches additional offerings to showcase its diverse and inclusive values.

Among the many groups who were honoring AAPI Heritage Month in May, two groups of likeminded educators initiated book drives aiming to inspire children to see themselves as heroes.

From WuKong Education’s new headquarters in Silicon Valley, the team coordinated with rural schools in Asia to set up book corners for disadvantaged children. Since WuKong Education’s inception in 2016, the company’s online classes have expanded to 300,000 families in 118 countries with the focus of teaching Chinese as a second language. As the majority of WuKong students’ families share a common root in Asia, rural schools in Indonesia and Thailand were chosen to host reading corners with hundreds of new books.

Meanwhile, in New York, Massachusetts, and Washington State, four Asian American authors, Yobe Qiu, Serena Li, Vincent Yee, and Tracy Guan met over Zoom to plan the “Asian American Books, Everywhere All at Once” book drive. Inspired by the Oscar-winning movie “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” the authors’ goal was to send 500 books to 25 schools in the US. This is crucial, as less than 15% of books published feature an AAPI character.

Rebecca Deng, Head of Marketing for North America at WuKong Education, saw both great causes. “We wanted to do something to make it even bigger and better. I knew more schools would love to receive AAPI books,” said Deng, who is a mother of two. With WuKong Education’s matched donation, 1,500+ books will be donated to 100 schools during AAPI Heritage Month.

In addition, WuKong Education will support the Disney+ series “American Born Chinese,” starring Daniel Wu who plays Sun Wukong. During the series’ release in May, WuKong Education will give away Disney+ annual memberships to lucky WuKong students, allowing more children to see themselves as heroes in mainstream media. These activities demonstrate WuKong Education’s values and social responsibility to the AAPI community, as well as provide all students with richer learning and cultural experiences.

Founded in New Zealand in 2016, WuKong Education was one of the first companies to enter the Chinese language online education field. In 2021, the company launched WuKong Math to help improve young learners’ logical thinking, problem solving, and comprehensive mathematical abilities. As part of its seventh anniversary, WuKong Education plans to launch English Language Arts classes, as requested by its students, 88% of whom speak English as their first language. This summer, students will be able to take WuKong Chinese, WuKong Math, and WuKong English with WuKong’s network of 3,000+ teachers.

Re/CASETiFY announces its annual Earth Day Scorecard touting 88,185 lbs diverted from landfills among many more sustainability advancements

LOS ANGELES, April 22, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Today, in celebration of Earth Day, the global lifestyle brand CASETiFY announced its annual scorecard for Re/CASETiFY, the name encompassing the different environmental initiatives of the brand. As a major highlight, Re/CASETiFY has diverted over 88,185 lbs of plastic from landfills since its inception thanks to its upcycling program, which is the equivalent of 430,000 phone cases globally. The brand has also planted over 394,000 trees in partnership with different organizations. That’s enough to offset 19 million pounds of carbon each year – equivalent to keeping 250 cars off American roads for a full 12 months.

The global tech accessory brand is proud to continue leading the industry with its highly impactful environmental practices with 430,000 cases upcycled since Re/CASETiFY’s inception
The global tech accessory brand is proud to continue leading the industry with its highly impactful environmental practices with 430,000 cases upcycled since Re/CASETiFY’s inception

At the core of the brand’s environmental scheme there’s a key technology. The Re/CASETiFY material. This material is made out of pellets obtained from the upcycling of old phone cases that have been donated to the brand by users from all over the world with the incentive of store credit. These pellets are then used to create new CASETiFY phone cases.

CASETiFY CEO & Co-Founder, Wes Ng, comments: “people don’t just buy sustainable products. They buy great products. And nowadays, for a product to be great, it needs to be manufactured as environmentally friendly as possible. That’s why we put Re/CASETiFY at the core of our business”.

More collection images can be found HERE.

By the end of 2022, the program achieved the following milestones since its inception:

  • 430,000 user-donated phone and airpods cases diverted from landfills, which is the equivalent t 40,000kg of plastic that was used for upcycling purposes.
  • Through our partnership with EARTHDAY.ORG, CASETiFY planted over 394,000 trees in partnership with different organizations; enough to offset 19 million pounds of carbon each year. This is equivalent to keeping 250 cars off American roads for a full 12 months.

Beyond releasing its latest results, the brand has also released its intentions for the next year:

  • Further develop a climate and emissions reduction roadmap that considers more than plastic waste.
  • Increase the adoption of more responsible raw materials across the CASETiFY product portfolio
  • The brand is on track to open 100 stores by 2025, which will exponentially increase the availability of Re/CASETiFY collection points across the world and in turn further encourage upcycling.

In order to understand more about the RE/CASETiFY program, please visit the CASETiFY Sustainability page and follow along on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter.


CASETiFY is the global lifestyle brand and home to the first and largest platform for customized tech accessories. Created with the highest-quality materials and most cutting-edge designs, CASETiFY’s products turn your personal electronics into stylishly slim, drop-proof accessories. Known for tapping top artists and creatives for its Co-Lab program, CASETiFY gives brands and individuals the opportunity to share their unique visions with the world. For more information on CASETiFY, its stores, partners and products, please visit www.CASETiFY.com.

Protecting migratory birds and their precious wetland habitat with AIoT technology

A dedicated team of conservation specialists works unceasingly to protect migratory birds at Beibayao Wetland of the Dongtan Reserve in Shanghai, China. To help them monitor the site and bird populations more effectively, Hikvision provided advanced video perception equipment.

HANGZHOU, China, March 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Dongtan Reserve in Shanghai, located at the mouth of the Yangtze River, provides food, shelter, and breeding grounds for nearly one million migratory birds each year.

Protecting migratory birds and their precious wetland habitat with AIoT technology
Protecting migratory birds and their precious wetland habitat with AIoT technology

To ensure that Beibayao Wetland continues to meet the needs of its feathered visitors, a team of rangers, engineers and other specialists continually monitor the site and the bird populations. In recent years, Hikvision also joined hands with the One Planet Foundation to protect the birds in Beibayao Wetland, which is a work area of World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Now Hikvision’s video perception devices have been installed here, assisting the team in bird watching and providing a scientific basis for ecological protection.

Among this dedicated team at the Reserve is Liu Jieyun, a WWF project specialist. According to Jieyun, managing the site and optimizing the habitat for the birds is a unique and complex task.

It is critical to check, for example, that the water level at the site, the available exposed land, the vegetation, and other environmental factors, are conducive to the wellbeing of the visiting migratory birds. What’s more, Jieyun constantly monitors the behavior of the birds, counting the number of species present to understand and report on trends in their populations and diversity.

Jieyun says, “The ultimate goal is to manage this wetland as well as possible and to ensure that it continues to function as a place where birds can stop, rest, spend the winter, and breed. However, constantly monitoring the reserve, and getting a close-up view of their behaviors – including their reproductive cycle – can be very difficult.”

Adding video perception to the conservation toolkit

To support this valuable work, Hikvision has contributed video perception equipment at the Dongtan Reserve. This helps Jieyun and other team members keep a constant eye on multiple areas of the site to ensure that the breeding grounds are in good condition and able to support the visiting populations.

PTZ (pan tilt zoom) cameras are being used to capture close-up images of birds and their behavior to support and enhance conservation efforts. At night or in low-light conditions, thermal dome cameras play a critical role in the continuous monitoring.

Jieyun and the conservation team have captured incredible images of birds at the reserve, underlining the value of the site for multiple species. For example, the team has seen Kentish plovers wet their abdomens with muddy water to cool down hatchlings in their nests, and recorded images of birds fishing to feed their young.

Hikvision’s intelligent analysis equipment has been deployed at the reserve, and it will develop an intelligent bird identification system based on joint efforts with the partners. Advanced applications such as identification, classification, and analysis will be enabled by intelligent platform software, transforming approaches to bird monitoring and protection. For example, it can be used to help researchers establish correlations between a variety of environmental factors and bird habits, supporting experts and staff to further improve protection measures and plans.

Protecting migratory birds and their precious wetland habitat with AIoT technology
Protecting migratory birds and their precious wetland habitat with AIoT technology

Measuring conservation success at Dongtan Reserve

The conversation team works tirelessly to ensure that the Dongtan Reserve meets the needs of visiting bird populations, and the video perception equipment has become part of the conservation toolkit. Thanks to the hard work of Jieyun and other specialists, the number of bird species recorded in Beibayao Wetland has increased from 150 to more than 200.

Among the general bird population, there are some “star” species, including the spoon-billed sandpiper, a species with fewer than 500 individuals remaining in the world. The staff at the reserve have also seen laughing gulls, curly-feathered pelicans, Chinese crested terns, and other rare birds.

“Bird monitoring is an essential part of Dongtan Reserve’s habitat management,” Jieyun continued. “The dedicated on-site team records bird species, numbers, breeding conditions and a range of other data that reflect the status of the wetland and the effectiveness of our management efforts. The video perception devices enable the staff to better manage the wetland and to ensure that migratory birds enjoy a good living environment and have enough food to thrive.”

As part of Hikvision’s Global STAR Program for Social Good, the Dongtan Reserve project is bringing a brighter future for the birds and the wetland ecosystem. With the power of technology, Hikvision will continue to explore innovative ways to benefit communities and protect our valuable nature and culture. If you want to join us and create a better world together, please click here.

Delta Honored as “A” Grade Supplier Engagement Leader by CDP for Supply Chain Sustainability for the 3rd Consecutive Year

TAIPEI, March 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — CDP recently announced their 2022 Supplier Engagement Rating (SER), and named Delta the “Supplier Engagement Leader” with the highest scores, “A” rating, in key rating categories such as “Overall CDP Climate Change Performance”, “Supply Chain Engagement” and “Scope 3 Emissions”.  This is the third consecutive year that CDP has recognized Delta as Supplier Engagement Leader, after awarding Delta the Double A List Rating on “Climate Change” and “Water Security” last year. Delta’s efforts and action on climate issues are once again recognized by indicative assessment.

Jesse Chou, chief sustainability officer of Delta, stated that Delta has long been concerned about climate change and global warming, while proactively participating in international sustainability initiatives, and implementing energy-saving projects in daily operations. In 2021, Delta achieved its SBT target ahead of schedule and today the proportion of renewable electricity used at Delta’s global sites has reached 55%. Based on this achievement, Delta is committed to reaching RE100 and carbon neutrality by 2030 and has established a long-term strategy with plans to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 in response to global efforts to control global warming in line with the 1.5°C pathway. This makes Delta the first company in the technology hardware and equipment industry in Asia and the 125th company in the world to have passed the SBTi’s net-zero science-based target review*1.

To achieve the long-term target of net zero emissions in 2050, Delta has set a target to reduce Scope 3 emissions*2 by 25% in 2030 compared with a base year of 2021. Delta also strives to create a sustainable supply chain and demands its tier 1 suppliers to meet the ISO14064-1 greenhouse gas emissions standard by 2025. In addition to regularly providing ESG training for suppliers, Delta leads suppliers in carrying out carbon inventory, collaborates with more than 90% of its tier 1 suppliers every year on climate change related issues, and provides their energy-saving and carbon reduction experience to help suppliers implement carbon reduction. Delta also promotes a supply chain sustainability plan, helping long-term suppliers with energy-saving diagnosis and improvement, and at the same time promoting Delta’s energy-saving products and solutions in the process. Delta’s technical expertise has helped a semiconductor manufacturer implement energy-saving improvements with an overall investment of US$1.8 million and an annual electricity savings of 14 million kWh, equivalent to an annual savings of US$1.15 million*3.

Each year, Delta calculates the manufacturing carbon footprint for nearly 40 customers participating in the CDP supply chain program and provides energy-saving technologies and carbon reduction benefits to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at each manufacturing step. From 2010 to 2021, Delta’s high-efficiency products have helped global customers save a total of 35.9 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is equivalent to reducing 19.01 million tons of carbon emissions. Since 2015, 11 energy-saving products shipped by Delta, including electronic ballasts, server power supplies, photovoltaic inverters, electric vehicle DC chargers, have been successively verified by ISAE 3000, demonstrating actual results in helping customers in carbon reduction. In addition, Delta’s main production plants were 100% compliant with ISO 14064-1 certification in both the scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gases emissions in 2021, and scope 3 has also been certified by a third party. The manufacturing plants and buildings have also implemented 80 water-saving programs and 64 waste reduction measures, saving a total of 165.8 thousand tons of water and 3,986 metric tons of waste*3.  All of Delta’s climate actions and actual results are in line with CDP SER’s target of carbon reduction through supplier engagement.

CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring is recognized as an important standard for the transparency of corporate environmental sustainability. Its supply chain program has about 280 major members, with a total procurement expenditure of up to US$6.4 trillion. CDP conducts its annual SER assessment using each company’s response to questions on governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions, overall climate change project performance, and supply chain engagement in the CDP Climate Change questionnaire with companies on a supply chain program. In 2022, more than 18,500 companies participated in CDP disclosure.

Note 1.     The net-zero SBT set by Delta was approved by SBTi in December 2022 where the long-term target is to reduce Scope 1+2+3 greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 with the base year of 2021. At the same time, Delta establishes a new short-term target based on the 1.5°C pathway including a reduction of Scope 1+2 emissions by 90% in 2030, and a reduction of Scope 3 emissions by 25% compared with the base year of 2021, which is stricter than the SBTi 1.5°C requirement to reduce Scope 1+2 emissions by 42% in 2030.

Note 2.     Scope of Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1-3):
–  Scope 1: Direct emissions from the sources owned or controlled by an organization (such as diesel, gasoline, or natural gas)
–  Scope 2: Indirect emissions from an organization’s purchased electricity
–  Scope 3: Other indirect emissions from the upstream and downstream organizational activities of a company’s supply chain

Note 3.     Please refer to the 2021 Delta Electronics ESG Report.

About Delta

Delta, founded in 1971, is a global leader in switching power supplies and thermal management products with a thriving portfolio of smart energy-saving systems and solutions in the fields of industrial automation, building automation, telecom power, data center infrastructure, EV charging, renewable energy, energy storage and display, to nurture the development of smart manufacturing and sustainable cities. As a world-class corporate citizen guided by its mission statement, “To provide innovative, clean and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow,” Delta leverages its core competence in high-efficiency power electronics and its ESG-embedded business model to address key environmental issues, such as climate change. Delta serves customers through its sales offices, R&D centers and manufacturing facilities spread over close to 200 locations across 5 continents.

Throughout its history, Delta has received various global awards and recognition for its business achievements, innovative technologies and dedication to ESG. Since 2011, Delta has been listed on the DJSI World Index of Dow Jones Sustainability™ Indices for 12 consecutive years. In 2022, Delta was also recognized by CDP with double A List for its substantial contribution to climate change and water security issues and named Supplier Engagement Leader for its continuous development of a sustainable value chain for the 3rd consecutive year.

For detailed information about Delta, please visit: www.deltaww.com

TPIsoftware Named A Top FT 500 Asia-Pacific High-Growth Company of 2023 for Second Consecutive Year

TAIPEI, March 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — TPIsoftware, the leading software company in Taiwan specializing in FinTech, has been listed in the Financial Times’s fifth annual ranking of 500 high-growth Asia-Pacific. This year, TPIsoftware ranks 368th with a CAGR of 29.7%, 73 places higher than last year, among the top 500 fast-growing companies across the APAC region. As the only software solution provider in Taiwan listed for a second consecutive year, TPIsoftware has demonstrated its momentum in building a global brand and expanding business into Southeast Asia, empowering Taiwan’s software industry to get a foothold in the international market.

The FT ranking of 500 high-growth Asia-Pacific 2023, conducted by the British publication Financial Times in collaboration with the German research company Statista, identifies the top 500 APAC companies with the highest percentage growth in revenues between 2018 and 2021. The technology sector still dominates the list, but the industries are more diversified this year, which indicates a sign of economic recovery across industries in the post-pandemic era. Compared to the performance last year, only 15 Taiwanese companies are listed this year, with only two listed the second year in a row, showing the fact that it is not easy for companies to achieve consistently high performance in the long run, especially for software providers. Receiving several global awards such as Taiwan Excellence Awards and CX Asia Excellence Awards, TPIsoftware offers comprehensive software solutions and cloud services domestically and overseas with extensive cross-national project experiences.

Ben Yao, CEO of TPIsoftware, said: “Being selected as one of the top 500 fast-growing companies in the Asia-Pacific region by the Financial Times for two consecutive years is the best affirmation for TPIsoftware’s achievements. We’ve ramped up overseas expansion by developing local strategic partners to utilize their local experience and expertise. We are currently building new service points in Bangkok and Tokyo to provide instant and professional support to our regional customers.”

“We have seen a strong growth in cloud computing and a high demand in cloud migration for the financial sector. Therefore, we have built strategic partnerships with GCP and AWS to expand the scope of our products and provide businesses with the best cloud services,” said Ben Yao.

About TPIsoftware

TPIsoftware is the no. 1 FinTech software company in Taiwan providing two proprietary products –the Enterprise Integration Platform as a Service DigiFusion and the AI-powered product SysTalk.ai to help enterprises succeed in digital transformation. TPIsoftware also specializes in InsurTech, GIS, AIoT, smart healthcare, UI/UX solutions and more, providing professional services domestically and overseas. Having received several significant awards and patents, TPIsoftware is trusted by customers across industries such as BFSI, government, telecom, transport, healthcare and more.

Media Contact:

Peggy Tsai
+886-2-2658-0508 #1606
10F-2, No. 335, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan
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Bernie Gee
+886-2-2658-0508 #1608
10F-2, No. 335, Ruiguang Road, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan
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UL Solutions Partners with CDP to Release New Disclosure API

CDP’s new API will enable a streamlined disclosure experience for companies working with UL Solutions.

NORTHBROOK, Ill., March 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — UL Solutions, a global leader in applied safety science, today announced that it partnered with CDP Worldwide (CDP), a nonprofit organization, to develop its new disclosure application programming interface (API). This API will help CDP in their work, assisting companies, cities, states and regions in disclosing their environmental data.

UL Solutions partnered with CDP to develop its new disclosure application programming interface (API). This API will help CDP in their work, assisting companies, cities, states and regions in disclosing their environmental data.
UL Solutions partnered with CDP to develop its new disclosure application programming interface (API). This API will help CDP in their work, assisting companies, cities, states and regions in disclosing their environmental data.

In 2023, CDP will pilot this new API, offering a selection of its software partners improved integration with CDP’s disclosure platform. The API will be available to participating accredited solutions providers (ASP) and their customers for the 2023 disclosure cycle, focusing on the corporate climate change questionnaire in this inaugural year. This improved API will further support CDP in achieving its goal of enabling companies, cities, states and regions to enhance their environmental transparency and action.

Organizations working with participating CDP ASPs in 2023 will also notice an improved experience. UL Solutions will be one of the partners offering the API to its customers this year — building on the UL360 Sustainability Essentials Software’s capabilities from collection to delivery of environmental, social and governance (ESG) data.

CDP’s software ASPs support organizations with collecting and preparing their environmental data and reporting it to CDP. Gold ASPs can offer global support, whereas silver ASP partners are accredited in specific countries. The disclosure API will allow participating ASPs, including gold software provider UL Solutions, and the disclosing organizations they work with to automatically retrieve their customers’ questionnaires from CDP and transfer data from the provider’s own platform into CDP’s online response system. This data transfer helps provide an enhanced and streamlined disclosure experience, reducing the need for manual data entry. It also allows CDP ASPs to leverage their platforms’ existing capabilities to support organizations’ CDP disclosure processes.

“With the increased demand for environmental data, CDP’s disclosure API enables CDP-accredited solutions providers to offer a more seamless disclosure experience. UL Solutions will also be one of the partners using the API to enable customers to seamlessly integrate data collected and calculated within UL 360 Sustainability Software into their CDP responses,” said Clayton Sanderson, senior operations manager at UL Solutions.

“We are grateful for UL Solutions’ dedication to working with us on this important development,” said Paul Robins, global head of programs at CDP Worldwide. “As well as partnering with us to build the disclosure API, they will be one of the accredited solutions providers using it with their customers this year.”

About UL Solutions
A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains, and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Press contact:
Steven Brewster
UL Solutions
T: +1 (847) 664.8425

Photo – https://techent.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ul-solutions-partners-with-cdp-to-release-new-disclosure-api.jpg
Logo – https://techent.tv/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ul-solutions-partners-with-cdp-to-release-new-disclosure-api-1.jpg

3M named as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute for 10th consecutive year

ST. PAUL, Minn., March 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Ethisphere Institute today recognized 3M for ethics and integrity in business conduct and compliance for the 10th straight year. 3M is one of only nine industrial companies worldwide to be honored this year.

“At 3M, we are committed to doing things with unwavering integrity,” said Michael Duran, 3M senior vice president and chief ethics and compliance officer. “It is our commitment to unwavering integrity that makes it possible to receive this recognition as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 10th straight year. I am truly proud of all of our employees who work to protect 3M’s reputation every day.” 

3M’s Code of Conduct is the foundation for its strong reputation with customers across many industries. Company leaders create and promote a workplace environment where compliance and integrity are expected and encouraged.

3M is one of 135 companies around the world designated as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies in 2023.

“Ethics matters. Organizations that commit to business integrity through robust programs and practices not only elevate standards and expectations for all, but also have better long-term performance,” said Ethisphere CEO, Erica Salmon Byrne. “We continue to be inspired by the World’s Most Ethical Companies honorees and their dedication to making real impact for their stakeholders and displaying exemplary values-based leadership. Congratulations to 3M for being named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 10th year in a row.”

Methodology & Scoring
Grounded in Ethisphere’s proprietary Ethics Quotient®, the World’s Most Ethical Companies assessment process includes more than 200 questions on culture, environmental and social practices, ethics and compliance activities, governance, diversity, and initiatives that support a strong value chain. The process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify the leading practices of organizations across industries and around the globe.

About 3M 

3M (NYSE: MMM) believes science helps create a brighter world for everyone. By unlocking the power of people, ideas and science to reimagine what’s possible, our global team uniquely addresses the opportunities and challenges of our customers, communities, and planet. Learn how we’re working to improve lives and make what’s next at 3M.com/news or on Twitter at @3M or @3MNews.

Hikvision launches global STAR program for social good

— Unleashing the power of technology to create a better world

HANGZHOU, China, Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Hikvision has announced the launch of the Global STAR (Sustainability through Technology, Actions for Responsibility) Program for Social Good. The program aims to partner with non-profit organizations exploring innovative ways to protect valuable nature and culture and benefit communities through Hikvision’s cutting-edge technologies.

Hikvision launches global STAR program for social good
Hikvision launches global STAR program for social good

The scope of the STAR Program will focus on three areas: biodiversity monitoring and conservation, environmental monitoring and protection, and cultural heritage preservation. Through this program, Hikvision is looking for partners such as NGOs, social enterprises, research institutions, and other organizations to make a difference in these three areas.

Hikvision launches global STAR program for social good
Hikvision launches global STAR program for social good

“In two decades, we have transformed Hikvision from a small startup to a global enterprise. We are so glad to see that our products are making a positive societal impact every day around the world not only by safeguarding communities, but also improving commercial efficiency, protecting biodiversity and advancing environmental conservation. In the future, we will keep on technology innovation and provide more value for communities and our planet,” said Huang Fanghong, Senior Vice President of Hikvision.

Hikvision recognizes its responsibility and has initiated projects for social good across the globe, such as helping protect rhinos from poachers in South Africa, aiding researchers monitoring and analyzing the recovery of rescued sea turtles, and monitoring the quality of source water with innovative IoT technologies.

To learn more about the STAR Program, please visit:

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TECNO’s Trailblazing PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G Wins Gold at the International Design Awards 2022

The recently showcased flagship product of TECNO PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G, astonished at the International Design Awards 2022, winning a Gold and a Bronze for its sustainable design.

LONDON, Feb. 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — TECNO, an innovative technology brand with operations in over 70 markets globally, continues to rack up more accolades as the 16th annual International Design Awards (IDA for short) recently unveiled its full list of winners, where among those celebrated is the impeccable design team behind TECNO’s newest flagship product under its premium sub-brand, the PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G Eco-Friendly Edition, winning the Gold Award in Media And Home Electronics-Phone and Other Communications Technology, and the Bronze Award in Design for Society-Eco-Sustainable-Design.

Founded in 2007, the IDA was created to appreciate, celebrate and promote the work of visionaries in the field of design. As one of the most prestigious and authoritative design awards in the world, this award means that TECNO PHANTOM X2 Pro Eco-friendly edition has been recognized by international professional judges and the industry in terms of sustainability, technological and innovative design concept. It is the world’s first smartphone to feature a retractable portrait lens comparable to a professional camera to create “studio-like” portrait photography. With a 65mm focal length, 2.5x optical zoom retractable portrait lens, the PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G revolutionizes image-making in the smartphone industry. The trailblazing smartphone also packs a powerful flagship MediaTek Dimensity 9000 5G chip, which delivering both outstanding performance and advanced power efficiency.

On top of its exceptional processing power, the PHANTOM X2 Series also have a unibody curved-screen design that softens the phone’s appearance and feel, while its 3.5D lunar crater back cover reduces the impact of the camera module, eliminating sharp corners and giving it a beautiful slimmer look. 

Aimed to celebrate sustainable and smart designs from a variety of disciplines, the IDA serves as an important spotlight for not just the winning designers, but also the environmental impact their products have on the world. Committed to the cause, the PHANTOM X2 Pro 5G Eco-Friendly Edition was built with sustainability in mind, featuring an ultra-thin eco-friendly back cover that’s constructed using recycled materials recovered from oceans. In total, each back cover contains 14.4% recycled material which can reduce carbon emissions by approximately 38%, with each individual cover producing an estimated 2.4g fewer emissions on average.  This significant reduction in carbon emissions have just been why it won the IDA Award in Sustainable Design at first attempt. However, the work isn’t done yet. The PHANTOM X2 design team hopes to encourage consumers worldwide to continue embracing sustainable lifestyles.

TECNO has always been committed to bringing outstanding products with both technology and design to consumers through innovation that constantly breaks boundaries. From winning the Sustainable Product Design award at the Loop Design Awards in September 2022, to now winning gold at the IDA, TECNO has more certainly proven itself to be an impeccable force in the premium smartphone market. With “Stop At Nothing” brand essence, TECNO will continue to design the best contemporary technologies for global users, giving them stylishly designed intelligent products that inspire them to never stop perusing their best selves and best futures.

Cision View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/tecnos-trailblazing-phantom-x2-pro-5g-wins-gold-at-the-international-design-awards-2022-301741996.html