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Malaysian Businesses Urged to Leverage High-Speed Connectivity & Modern Technologies to be More Competitive

Malaysia is on the cusp of a digital revolution, and businesses are being urged to seize the opportunity. The recent unveiling of Malaysia’s first 10Gbps broadband service by ViewQuest signals a significant leap forward in infrastructure, and Minister of Digital, YB Gobind Singh Deo, is calling on Malaysian businesses to leverage this high-speed connectivity and modern technologies to unlock a new era of productivity and innovation.

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“This ultra-speed connectivity demonstrates the advanced capabilities and benefits of 10Gbps Internet,” said Gobind Singh Deo at the ViewQuest event. “It is also a testament to Malaysia’s fast and reliable Internet infrastructure and its game-changing impact on Malaysia’s digital future.”

This ultra-speed internet offers a wealth of potential benefits for businesses across all sectors. Imagine streamlining e-commerce operations with lightning-fast data transfer, facilitating real-time data analysis for informed decision-making, or seamlessly integrating cloud-based applications – these are just a few possibilities.

“Ultra-speed Internet will increase productivity, efficiency, and innovation across all industries, such as e-commerce, agriculture, education, healthcare, finance and even government services. Services and production will be 10x faster – if not more,” highlighted the Minister.

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Minister of Digital, YB Gobind Singh Deo, addressing the media at the launch of ViewQwest’s 10Gbps Fibre Internet.

By embracing high-speed connectivity and modern technologies, Malaysian businesses can not only improve operational efficiency but also foster a culture of innovation. This can lead to the development of new products and services, improved customer experiences, and ultimately, increased competitiveness in the global marketplace.

The benefits extend beyond internal operations. High-speed internet can bridge the digital divide, allowing businesses to connect with customers and partners across the country and beyond. This fosters a more inclusive digital landscape and opens doors to new markets.

However, Minister Deo acknowledges the importance of cybersecurity alongside these advancements. “Laws and policies to safeguard all parties are extremely important as digital technology continues to evolve,” he said. The recently passed Cyber Security Act and amendments to the Personal Data Protection Act demonstrate the government’s commitment to creating a secure digital environment that fosters trust with customers and investors.

As Malaysia embraces this digital revolution, it positions itself as a hub for innovation and a magnet for global investment. Businesses that leverage high-speed connectivity and modern technologies will be at the forefront of this exciting new chapter. The call to action is clear: Malaysian businesses must seize this opportunity to unlock their full potential and thrive in the digital age.

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