Look for That Tune by Simply Humming or Whistling in Google Search

Don’t know the lyrics? No problem. You can now search for that song on Google by simply humming or whistling the tune or part of it. This new advancement comes as part of new improvements that the search giant is introducing into their service.

The new feature is now available now in the Google app on both Android and iOS and in Google Assistant. Just to “ask” Google about the “What is the song” or just simply by clicking the new added “Search a song” and it will be able to pull up results based on the tune that you hummed or whistled. The search results will be presented to you as a list.

Source: Google

After you have seen the song list you can even click it by seeing more details such as the artist name, official video and its lyrics via Google Search. The new feature is only limited to only English language on iOS but it supports over 20 languages on the Android.

Google is using Machine Learning to implement this feature. They explain that each melody is like a fingerprint and has unique identifiers that allow their search algorithm to identify it. Google is continually improving the feature by training the machine learning model with a variety of sources including whistling, humming, studio recordings and even humans singing.

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