E-Business Expo China opens in Hangzhou

The 7th International E-Business Expo, the Zhejiang International Digital Trade Fair and the 11th Zhejiang Business Service Fair held concurrently

HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 18, 2020 — On September 18, 2020, the 7th International E-Business Expo, the Zhejiang International Digital Trade Fair and the 11th Zhejiang Business Service Fair opened at the Hangzhou International Expo Center. Co-organized by the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government and the Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province, the "New Era of E-Business"-themed expo is taking the lead in the global digitalization of trade in response to the new economic landscape.

Relying on the fundamental principles of observing trends, looking for services and selecting products, the expo has adopted the "1+8+N" framework, with the "1" referring to an exhibition with a focus on these three basic principles, which has been a factor in deciding the configuration of the seven exhibition areas: new trade, new consumption, digital services, regional e-businesses, rural e-businesses, imported goods and domestic goods. "8" refers to eight forums, divided into one main forum and seven sub-forums. The "N" stands for a number of precisely-targeted, high-end events including small-scale matchmaking conferences, salons and closed-door roundtables.

Hu Wei of the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government said that the expo is focused on the current hot topics including discussions on the in-depth integration of digital trade and new e-businesses. With the aim of creating a leading global e-business expo, the event tapped into Hangzhou’s advantageous industrial resources and fully demonstrated new breakthroughs in terms of novel concepts for e-business and the digital economy.

Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province director-general Sheng Qiuping said, with the deep application of modern information technologies worldwide and the rapid growth of the digital economy, internet-based digital trade is thriving as well as accelerating the optimization and integration of innovation, industry and value chains worldwide. It is becoming an important way in which trade is conducted in the digital era. Zhejiang province has been at the forefront of the acceleration of the development of new e-business formats while strengthening its position as a center for innovation and entrepreneurship for digital service trade by creating a number of global leaders in the sector. The province is taking a multi-faceted approach to changing its development model, optimizing its economic structure as well as accelerating the full digitalization of both its trade and industrial sectors.

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